Connecting to remote server at a different port

  • Hi,

    I am trying to connect to SQL Server Express 2005 which is running at port 14333 (default is 1433) but in vain. The thing is when I use ASP script to connect then it works but not using SQL Server Management Studio Express. Here is the connection string I am using in my ASP script:

    Data,14333;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

    By the way this ASP script is running on a separate machine while the computer on which I am running Management Studio Express is another one. I even tried configuring SQL Server Client Network Utility but didn't work. Used both Named Pipes and TCP/IP but no luck.

    Could it be because I am not using it correctly? I mean I configured the Client Network Utility but how do I use it in Management Studio Express to connect to that server? I have added that server in Client Network Utility using TCP/IP but ones I go to Management Studio Express what shall I write in the field SERVER NAME? Shall I write that ALIAS that I gave in Client Network Utility or the IP of that server with or without port number?


  • Never mind it works. I gave it one last try and configured Client Network Utility and it works.

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