Connect to SQL Server on a machine on another network?

  • Hi,

    I am hoping you will be of assistance to me and provide a little advice on what exactly is possible using SQL Express / SQL Server 2005 with regards to remotely connecting to a server.

    I am a final year undergraduate student studying computing sciences in the UK. As a final year project I am attempting to create a client-server database, where the client (a WM5 PDA) can connect to an SQL server hosted on a different machine (a PC). However, I must be able to connect to the server when the PDA is being used on any Wi-Fi connection.

    Basically I want the PDA to be able to connect to a database kept on the PC at home when you're out and about using the PDA's wi-fi.

    Is this possible? If so, could you explain in 'dummy' terminology how one would go about this?

    As my university is part of the MS Academic Alliance I have access to VS 2005 and SQL Server 2005 for this project.

    Many thanks for your time and I eagerly await your responses!


  • I believe you will need to set up a PC at home with an internet facing website (requiring a static IP from your ISP or use a dynamic DNS service) then install SQL 2005 and IIS on the PC. Pay special attention to the security of the PC/server or it won;t be up for long.. Then you should be able to query from your WM5 pda through the web browser after some additional set up that I don't know off the top of my head....


    The newer Windows PPCs are very capable of VPN connections. You may consider setting up a VPN server at home. I Linksys router with OpenVPN installed is a nice option. If you would be using the IIS solution suggested above be sure to make connections via SSL, or like mentioned above the server won't be running for long (at least not running virus free).

  • Good news, thank you. I was wondering if setting up port forwarding on my router and opening my firewall to 1433 work (without a VPN)?

    i.e. If the PPC tried to connect to the database using my static IP address e.g., that request will be forwarded to my PC running SQL server by the router. I really hope that would work, I will try testing this method out soon - I just need to get to a friends house to check it properly!

    Thanks, any more suggestions keep 'em coming!

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