config 2-machine setup to have app connect to SQL2008 Express instance

  • I'm trying to get a VB6 application to connect to a SQL2008 Express instance.

    When I run the application on the virtual machine (1) that the instance is running on, it connects to the database as expected, but when the application is on a different virtual machine (2), it says 'SQL Server doesn't exist or access denied'

    I have disabled the Windows firewall on the (1) machine and I've attempted to use both the sa account and a regular SQL Server account. Neither account can connect from the (2) machine.

    Both machines are Windows XP Pro SP2 on a VMWare Wks v6 machine, run by VMWare Player version 3.1.2 build-301548

    What connection properties or security properties or other configuration issues might I have overlooked?

  • Standard configuration for a SQL Express install does not allow connections from a remote machine. If you need remote connections then you generally need to enable the TCP/IP protocol and possibly start the SQL Browser service as well--both can be done via the SQL Server Configuration Manager.

  • Thanks. enabling TCP/IP did the trick. Turns out that it's not necessary to have the SQL Server Browser service running, I tested the app with the service both running and not running. It works either way.

  • Thinking about it, you probably only need the Browser service running if you have multiple SQL instances on the same machine. Still, glad you've got it going!

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