Concatenating Rows

  • how about this:

    declare @FinalString nvarchar(250)

    SET @FinalString=''

    SELECT @FinalString = COALESCE(@FinalString + ', ', '') + (CAST([name] AS nvarchar(50)))

    FROM Fruit

    order by [name]

    SELECT REPLACE(@FinalString,'''',' ')

  • It's worth learning!

    With regard to software I could be wrong but I believe that Visual Studio Express[/url] is all that you need. The CLR stuff comes in useful in other areas for instance with Regular Expressions or for making external web service calls.

    One hacky way to support changing the separator character is to use something obscure in the code such as '¦' and then use the T-SQL REPLACE function to substitute it as required.

    Personally I just have a version for comma (',') and then another that uses semi-colon (';') as that keeps the usage of the function simple.

  • and what about PIVOT?

  • I was trying this the same way as Koenraad Dendievel using a function i found elsewhere, seems to work a treat with this:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ConcatFruit()




    DECLARE @Output VARCHAR(8000)

    SELECT @Output = COALESCE(@Output+', ', '') + Name


    RETURN @Output



    SELECT TOP 1 dbo.ConcatFruit()

    FROM fruit


    DROP FUNCTION dbo.ConcatFruit


  • declare @l varchar(max)

    ,@comma varchar(2)

    set @l = ''

    set @comma = ''

    select @l = @l + @comma + name

    ,@comma = ', '



    ORDER BY name

    This is the more performant!

  • I've been using Solution 2, FOR XML PATH, for a while with good results. I use STUFF as SSChampion mentions to get rid of the extra separator.

    One other thing to watch for with FOR XML PATH is that since it's creating XML, it will encode the characters "<", ">", and "&". You'll need to unencode them manually. Something like this.

    -- The REPLACE calls undo the XML encoding

    -- and STUFF deletes the first comma and space




    ', ' + ...



    FOR XML PATH('')


    , 1, 2, ''), '& lt;', '<'), '& gt;', '>'), '& amp;', '&') -- See note below

    On the last line in the example, take out the spaces between the ampersands and the "lt;", "gt;" and "amp;". This forum software was encoding my example of unencoding so I couldn't get it display correctly. How ironic! 😉

  • Very helpful, thanks. You can also take out the dangling delimiter...

    DECLARE @var varchar(8000)

    SET @var = ''

    SELECT @var = @var + FieldName + '/'

    FROM Table

    SET @Var = substring(@Var,1,len(@Var)-1)-- Removes trailing slash

    SELECT @Var

  • Tom Winter (10/14/2009)

    I've been using Solution 2, FOR XML PATH, for a while with good results. I use STUFF as SSChampion mentions to get rid of the extra separator.

    One other thing to watch for with FOR XML PATH is that since it's creating XML, it will encode the characters "<", ">", and "&". You'll need to unencode them manually. Something like this.

    -- The REPLACE calls undo the XML encoding

    -- and STUFF deletes the first comma and space




    ', ' + ...



    FOR XML PATH('')


    , 1, 2, ''), '& lt;', '<'), '& gt;', '>'), '& amp;', '&') -- See note below

    On the last line in the example, take out the spaces between the ampersands and the "lt;", "gt;" and "amp;". This forum software was encoding my example of unencoding so I couldn't get it display correctly. How ironic! 😉

    Actually you dont have replace the invalid characters if you use the FOR XML Clause, with the TYPE directive. You can then use an xquery to extract the value as it is precieved in the column, without replacing invalid chars.


    id INT,

    col CHAR(2)


    INSERT INTO @t VALUES (1,'aa');

    INSERT INTO @t VALUES (1,'bb');

    INSERT INTO @t VALUES (1,'c>');

    INSERT INTO @t VALUES (2,'a<');





    SELECT ',' + col

    FROM @t t2

    WHERE =




    FROM @t t1

    GROUP BY id

  • I use the method below for concatenating multiple values into one. Wouldn't this work?

    -- Fill a temporary table variable with the data in the example

    DECLARE @TempTable TABLE

    (idx int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,

    fruit varchar(15) )

    INSERT INTO @TempTable (fruit) VALUES ('Apple')

    INSERT INTO @TempTable (fruit) VALUES ('Banana')

    INSERT INTO @TempTable (fruit) VALUES ('Grape')

    INSERT INTO @TempTable (fruit) VALUES ('Melon')

    INSERT INTO @TempTable (fruit) VALUES ('Orange')

    -- These three lines take the data from above and concatenate it into one field and then return the field value

    DECLARE @Listvarchar(Max)

    SELECT @List = COALESCE(@List + ', ','') + fruit FROM @TempTable ORDER BY fruit

    SELECT @List

  • joe.strollo (10/14/2009)

    I use the method below for concatenating multiple values into one. Wouldn't this work?

    -- Fill a temporary table variable with the data in the example

    DECLARE @TempTable TABLE

    (idx int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,

    fruit varchar(15) )

    INSERT INTO @TempTable (fruit) VALUES ('Apple')

    INSERT INTO @TempTable (fruit) VALUES ('Banana')

    INSERT INTO @TempTable (fruit) VALUES ('Grape')

    INSERT INTO @TempTable (fruit) VALUES ('Melon')

    INSERT INTO @TempTable (fruit) VALUES ('Orange')

    -- These three lines take the data from above and concatenate it into one field and then return the field value

    DECLARE @Listvarchar(Max)

    SELECT @List = COALESCE(@List + ', ','') + fruit FROM @TempTable ORDER BY fruit

    SELECT @List

    This method only works if you want to return a single row. If you need to concatenate values, for each grouping, another method will have to be used, like FOR XML, UDF etc.


    create table aaatrash(id int, name varchar(20))

    insert into aaatrash

    select 1, 'apple'

    union all

    select 2, 'peach'

    union all

    select 3, 'grape'

    union all

    select 4, 'banana'

    union all

    select 5, 'melon'

    union all

    select 6, 'orange'


    ---------- SOLUTION -----------

    declare @fruit varchar (200)

    select @fruit = coalesce(@fruit + ', ' + name, name ) from aaatrash

    select @fruit


    Jerry D

  • I've been using Solution 2, "FOR XML PATH" for a while now. I use substring to remove the first separator, I think I will look into using stuff.

    I have learned something new today. I think I can kick back and enjoy the day now. 😀

    Over 12yrs in IT and 10yrs happily stuck with SQL.
    - SQL 2008/R2/2012/2014/2016/2017
    - Oracle 8/9/10/11
    - MySQL 4/5 and MariaDB

  • also a typical response to this question is "don't ask the DB to format strings"

    ... meaning the consumer of this content should be responsible for display/output.

    I'm not sure there is a more 'performant' solution than to offload the presentation work to another tier better suited to the task.

  • Why isn't the Coalesce function being used?:

    -- Results created neatly in one shot, more fields and other variations can be added 😎

    Select @SomeVariable = Coalesce(@SomeVariable + ',', '[if null]') + IsNull(SomeField, '')

    FROM tblSomeTable

    -- Remove last delimiter

    If Right(@SomeVariable , 1) = ',' Set @SomeVariable = Left(@SomeVariable , Len(@SomeVariable ) - 1)

  • the simplest one ....

    --create sample data set


    @table table (name varchar(100))

    insert into @table values ('Apple'),('Melons'),('Orange'),('Mangoes')


    declare @nsql nvarchar(max)

    set @nsql = ''

    select @nsql = @nsql+' '+ name

    from @table

    select @nsql

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