Compute Clause Problem (urgent)

  • Hi,

    I am using SQL Server 2005, Enterprise Edition.

    I have a Stored Procedure which returns two SQL query (Dataset). Both of the SQL queries has COMPUTE clause. The 1st Query COMPUTE Three columns and 2nd Query COMPUTE One column. Below are the queries.

    -- 1st SQL Query 

    SELECT  Column1, Column2, Column3, Column4, Column5


    (SELECT temptable.Column1, temptable.Column2,

     Count(Distinct temptable.StudentID) 'Column3',

     Count(Distinct CASE temptable.column_in1 WHEN 1 THEN [StudentID] ELSE NULL END) AS 'Column4',

     Count(Distinct CASE temptable.column_in1 WHEN 2 THEN [StudentID] ELSE NULL END) AS 'Column5'


    (SELECT ID 'Column1',

      description 'Column2',




     table1 dsab Left Join

     #temp_table drgwpn 

      On dsab.ID = drgwpn.Column1

      And drgwpn.column_in1 in (1 ,2) 

      And drgwpn.column_in2 = 3) temptable 

    GROUP BY temptable.Column1, temptable.Column2) tempout

    ORDER BY Column1

    COMPUTE Sum(Column3), Sum(Column4) , Sum(Column5)

    -- 2nd SQL Query 

    SELECT  Column1, Column2, Column3


    (SELECT temptable.Column1, temptable.Column2,

     Count(Distinct temptable.StudentID) 'Column3'


    (SELECT ID 'Column1',

      description 'Column2',




     tabel1 dsab Left Join

     #table_temp drgwpn 

      On dsab.ID = drgwpn.Column1

      And drgwpn.Column_in1 = 3 

      And drgwpn.Column_in2 = 3) temptable 

    GROUP BY temptable.Column1, temptable.Column2) tempout

    ORDER BY Column1

    COMPUTE Sum(Column3)

    When I run the Stored Procedure from Query Analyser it gives me error:

    An error occurred while executing batch. Error message is: Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.

    But when I COMMENT either of the Query then both of the query Individually works fine.

    Please help

    Kindest Regards,

    Vishal Prajapati

    DBA at Extentia Infromation Technology

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Without having tested your queries, you might surround each query in your Stored Proc with a BEGIN...END  It may just need some identifiable separation in order to run them both.

    Just my $0.02 worth.


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