Commenting in Dynamic query

  • I'm in a minority in thinking this was quite a good question.

    Unfortunately ruined by the misleading title "Commenting in Dynamic query" - it's got absolutely nothing to do with commenting.

    I'm feeling charitable so will assume this was an unfortunate use of Copy and Paste from the earlier question, then forgetting to change the title 🙂

  • Raised eyebrows if I saw stuff this in production...

    :exclamation: "Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience." :exclamation:

  • I don't like misleading titles, either. I had to re-read the question and compare to previous question to find the #/@ catch. Other than that, I think this was a good question.

    "El" Jerry.

    "A watt of Ottawa" - Gerardo Galvan

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  • I didn't like the misleading topic, but otherwise thought it was a very good question. Of course a topic like "scope and dynamic sql" would have made it too easy, but just "dynamic sql" would have been fine.

    Of course after the earlier question I was counting the string lengths carefully. That meant I was reading the strings carefully. So the correct answer was rather obvious.

    Those who jumped to conclusions because they had seen something similar but different a few days ago have only themselves to blame for having gotten it wrong.


  • it should have said will this work

    i have commented in dynamic sql all the time


  • You got me.

  • One more good question you need to think about twice before answer selection!


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