I am trying to get a numeric value for the day of the week and the week of the month.
Example: Today is 12/20/2011... so we are in the 4th week of the month and today (Tuesday) is the 2nd day of the week. (I am setting the DATEFIRST 1 so Monday is the first day of the week)
I want to get a value of: 42 <--The first number is the week number and the second is the day of week.
I have the code that gets me the two values, but when I try to combine them (not add them together) it just takes 4 + 2 and gives me 6, but I really want 42.
Code that I'm using now:
SET DATEFIRST 1 SELECT DATEPART(DW,SYSDATETIME()) + cast(datename(week,getdate()) as int)- cast( datename(week,dateadd(dd,1-day(getdate()),getdate())) as int)+1
Any help would be great. Thank you.