Column names for each of Merge update Statement

  • Hi All,

    I have around 120 columns and it has around 1 million record. Use to receive a csv file and which has new records and as well as old records with the changes and have one PYKey. Based on the Have used Merge statement to update(old record) and insert (new record), how to find which column got updated values for existing record?

    Existing record
    Emp, dept ,deptname,'Address',.............
    1 ,1,'HR','Addressone'
    2 ,1,'HR','Addresstwo'

    Have received my csv file with updated value

    Emp, dept ,deptname,'Address',.............
    1 ,1,'hr','Address-ONES'
    2 ,2,'Admin','Address-TWO'

    How to capture the difference that there was an change to each row.
    I need to know particular column names alone for that PYkey value.
    emp 1 Address
    emp 2 Deptname, Address.



  • Doing this with a simple UPDATE, you can construct an output as follows

    CREATE TABLE #Employee (
    , dept int NULL
    , deptname varchar(20) NULL
    , [address] varchar(20) NULL

    INSERT INTO #Employee ( Emp, dept, deptname, [address] )
    VALUES ( 1 ,1, 'HR', 'Addressone' )
    , ( 2 ,1, 'HR', 'Addresstwo' );

    WITH cteNewdata ( Emp, dept, deptname, [address] ) AS (
    SELECT src.*
    ( 1, 1, 'hr', 'Address-ONES' )
    , ( 2, 2, 'Admin', 'Address-TWO' )
    ) AS src( Emp, dept, deptname, [address] )
    UPDATE e
    SET e.dept = nd.dept
    , e.deptname = nd.deptname
    , e.[address] = nd.[address]
    , '<Employee Emp="' + CONVERT(varchar(10), INSERTED.Emp)
    + CASE WHEN INSERTED.dept = DELETED.dept THEN '' ELSE '" oldDept="' + CONVERT(varchar(10), DELETED.dept) + '" newDept="' + CONVERT(varchar(10), INSERTED.dept) + '"' END
    + CASE WHEN INSERTED.deptname = DELETED.deptname THEN '' ELSE '" oldDeptName="' + DELETED.deptname + '" newDeptName="' + INSERTED.deptname + '"' END
    + CASE WHEN INSERTED.[address] = DELETED.[address] THEN '' ELSE '" oldAddress="' + DELETED.[address] + '" newAddress="' + INSERTED.[address] + '"' END
    + ' />' AS changeXml
    , STUFF(''
    + CASE WHEN INSERTED.dept = DELETED.dept THEN '' ELSE ', dept' END
    + CASE WHEN INSERTED.deptname = DELETED.deptname THEN '' ELSE ', deptname' END
    + CASE WHEN INSERTED.[address] = DELETED.[address] THEN '' ELSE ', address' END
    , 1, 1, '') AS changelist
    FROM #Employee AS e
    INNER JOIN cteNewdata AS nd ON e.Emp = nd.Emp

    DROP TABLE #Employee;

    You can adapt that to the output of a MERGE statement if needed.

  • Thanks.

    But I am using Merge statement as there are new records and modified records in the same file, so I need to insert or update accordingly, is there any alternate approach.

  • I gave you an example of how to use the OUTPUT clause, leaving you to modify it to work with your MERGE statement.

    These links should help you further

    OUTPUT Clause


    Stairway to T-SQL DML Level 12: Using the MERGE Statement


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  • This is exactly what I was looking for. thank you.

    Papa's freezeria



  • Whenever anyone talks about merge, I always send them to this link first and if they still want to use it, then OK

    Merge has a number of issues which are down as wont fix, so it is much better to use an upsert method than to use merge.

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