column deliminator property in flat file connection

  • I have an ssis package that writes data out to a flat file. Sometimes the column delimiter and the text qualifier changes based on the client. I can find the text qualifier property and a row delimiter property but I can not find the column delimiter property in the properties of the flat file connection. It must exist, but I can't see what property I should set. Can anyone tell me?



  • That can be set differently for each column. It looks like you'll need a way to modify the XML of the package to be able to change it for each column. The following is a sample of what I found when I toyed with this. I set the delimiter to a semicolon for the first two columns, a colon for columns three and four and back to a semicolon for column five (note: I had to remove the carats from the code below so it would post).

    {open carat}DTS: Property DTS:Name="ColumnDelimiter" xml:space="preserve"{close carat}_x003B_{open carat}/DTS: Property{close carat}

    {open carat}DTS: Property DTS:Name="ColumnDelimiter" xml:space="preserve"{close carat}_x003B_{open carat}/DTS: Property{close carat}

    {open carat}DTS: Property DTS:Name="ColumnDelimiter" xml:space="preserve"{close carat}_x003A_{open carat}/DTS: Property{close carat}

    {open carat}DTS: Property DTS:Name="ColumnDelimiter" xml:space="preserve"{close carat}_x003A_{open carat}/DTS: Property{close carat}

    {open carat}DTS: Property DTS:Name="ColumnDelimiter" xml:space="preserve"{close carat}_x003B_{open carat}/DTS: Property{close carat}

  • Thank you.

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