Clustered vs Non-Clustered indexes....

  • Hi all.  Just a quick one.  I have a basic query against a 1M+ row table.

    select count(*) from MYTABLE.

    If I just have a clustered index against MYTABLE (across three columns) the query runs in 13 seconds... IO cost is 29.5

    If I add an identical non-clustered unique index (across the same three columns) and run the SQL - it runs in less than 1 second and IO cost is 0.86.

    Now this does seem conclusive but I would imagine the clustered to be quicker....  Is this not the case?

    Any pointers or good articles on this would be appreciated as I believe some of our design can be improved...



  • When you look at the execution plan take note of any book mark look ups and plan your indexes around them.. The optimal solution here would be a clustered index on a column with high cardinality and a covered non-clustered index which is to say.

    Ex: Select distinct store, SUM(revenue) from accounting where region=A and accounting_id < 100


    Clustered index on accouting_id asc.

    Non clustered index on region, accounting_id, store, revenue in that order is covered.

    Check your peformance on that.

    Richard S. Hale
    Senior Database Marketing Developer
    Business Intelligence
    The Scooter Store
    DSK: 830.627.4493

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