Clustered SQL Collation Change

  • I have searched this forum for an article on this and it links back to a page I have already viewed.

    I am after a way to change the collation on a SQL 2017 Clustered instance.

    I have tried running from the location of the SQL installation exe



    I get the message

    Instance Name MSSQLSERVER,1433 for product Microsoft SQL Server doesn't exist. Specify a valid instance name.

    Error result: -2068578302

    Result facility code: 1204

    Result error code: 2

    I am not sure what I am doing wrong.  any ideas.


  • Is it a named instance?

  • Yes it is.

  • In that case you need to put the instance name in here (instead of MSSQLSERVER). Also the port will probably be different:


  • Sorry i just used a standard instance name so as not to give away the real information  I am using the named instance with the port number.  for example /INSTANCENAME=MSSQLSERVER, 1433

  • Ah, ok :-).

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