Check if table is partitioned?

  • Hi,

    Is there any way to check if a table is partitioned or not? I'm asking this because i need to create a script that renames a table, recreates the table as a partitioned table, and then swaps the renamed table with partition 1 of the partitioned table.

    It is very important that this script is only executed once so i would like to include a check in the script.

    I tried consulting the sys tables, and at first i thought i could simply check the partition table to see how many partitions a table has. However, after some querying i found that tables that were never partitioned actually had more than one related record in the partitions table!

    I can only assume that sql server can decide for itself to split the underlying data ( disk fragmentation ? ).

    Anyway, if anyone knows a solid way to check if a table is partitioned ...

  • How do you check if a table is partitioned?

    Try this query:

    select schema_name(c.schema_id) [schema name],


    , [index name], a.type_desc [index type]

    from (sys.indexes a inner join sys.tables c

    on a.object_id = c.object_id)

    inner join sys.data_spaces b on a.data_space_id = b.data_space_id

    where b.type='PS'

    If you have more than one index on a table, table will be referenced more than once in such query. You have to decide how to filter them.



    ...and your only reply is slàinte mhath

  • /*

    show partitioned objects


    select distinct


    TbName = OBJECT_NAME(p.[object_id]),

    index_name = i.[name],

    index_type_desc = i.type_desc,

    partition_scheme = ps.[name],

    data_space_id = ps.data_space_id,

    function_name = pf.[name],

    function_id = ps.function_id

    from sys.partitions p

    inner join sys.indexes i

    on p.[object_id] = i.[object_id]

    and p.index_id = i.index_id

    inner join sys.data_spaces ds

    on i.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id

    inner join sys.partition_schemes ps

    on ds.data_space_id = ps.data_space_id

    inner JOIN sys.partition_functions pf

    on ps.function_id = pf.function_id

    -- WHERE p.[object_id] = object_id('JBMTest')

    order by TbName, index_name ;



    show partitioned objects range values


    select p.[object_id],

    OBJECT_NAME(p.[object_id]) AS TbName,




    index_name = i.[name],

    index_type_desc = i.type_desc,




    pf.[name] AS Pf_Name,



    destination_data_space_id = dds.destination_id,



    from sys.partitions p

    inner join sys.indexes i

    on p.[object_id] = i.[object_id]

    and p.index_id = i.index_id

    inner JOIN sys.data_spaces ds

    on i.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id

    inner JOIN sys.partition_schemes ps

    on ds.data_space_id = ps.data_space_id

    inner JOIN sys.partition_functions pf

    on ps.function_id = pf.function_id

    inner join sys.destination_data_spaces dds

    on dds.partition_scheme_id = ds.data_space_id

    and p.partition_number = dds.destination_id

    INNER JOIN sys.data_spaces ds1

    on ds1.data_space_id = dds.data_space_id

    left outer JOIN sys.partition_range_values prv

    on prv.function_id = ps.function_id

    and p.partition_number = prv.boundary_id

    --WHERE p.[object_id] = object_id('thename')

    order by TbName, p.index_id, p.partition_number




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  • This should do it I think ;

    select distinct object_name(object_id) from sys.partitions

    group by object_id, index_id

    having COUNT(*) > 1

    Basically a table and its indexes are represented in sys.partitions. For each object & index id if there is more than 1 row then the table is partitioned. Unless there is another reason, other than partitioning, why there is more than 1 row.

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