changing the datasource (DS) associated with a datasourceview (DSV)

  • I misnamed the original Data Source against which I defined a Data Source View. I decided later, after building several models against the DSV that I wanted to change the DS for the view. However, I don't see any dialog for this task.

    It also occurs to me that when I build a DSV against a development or test DS, I will want to change the association when I take it to production. Can I do this in the BIDS interface or do I have to do it through the SSRS interface (after it has all been deployed). It seems to be possible in the BIDS Report Designer interface for SSRS reports but I can't seem to do it in the Report Model Designer.

    I may not understand the architecture or the development paradigm here (not really a VS kind of guy - a nascent SSRS designer is all) so relatively elementary info-for-newbies is welcome.


  • The datasource can be changed manually in the production enviroment for the smdl

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