Changing from drop table to truncate

  • Thanks for the help and assistance.  I am trying to make some changes but my error is that these cant be bound as alias and i dont understand where i am going wrong( because everything parses okay then doesnt run)... Please give some insight and show correction as well... Thank you


    -- Is First Remit

    IF OBJECT_ID('IsFirstRemit_D') IS NOT NULL

    TRUNCATE TABLE IsFirstRemit_D;

    SELECT MIN(a.ClaimDetailID) as ClaimDetailID




    --INTO IsFirstRemit

    FROM Adena_EDI_16.dbo.Remit835_ClaimDetail_D

    JOIN (SELECT FacilityPrefix, AccountNumber, MIN(RemitDate) as MinRemitDate FROM Adena_EDI_16.dbo.Remit835_ClaimDetail_D GROUP BY FacilityPrefix, AccountNumber) b

    ON a.FacilityPrefix = b.FacilityPrefix AND a.AccountNumber = b.AccountNumber AND a.RemitDate = b.MinRemitDate

    GROUP BY a.FacilityPrefix, a.AccountNumber, a.RemitDate


  • The problem is that you haven't given your first table an alias:


    IF OBJECT_ID('IsFirstRemit_D') IS NOT NULL

    TRUNCATE TABLE IsFirstRemit_D;

    SELECT MIN(a.ClaimDetailID) as ClaimDetailID




    --INTO IsFirstRemit

    FROM Adena_EDI_16.dbo.Remit835_ClaimDetail_D a

    JOIN (SELECT FacilityPrefix, AccountNumber, MIN(RemitDate) as MinRemitDate FROM Adena_EDI_16.dbo.Remit835_ClaimDetail_D GROUP BY FacilityPrefix, AccountNumber) b

    ON a.FacilityPrefix = b.FacilityPrefix AND a.AccountNumber = b.AccountNumber AND a.RemitDate = b.MinRemitDate

    GROUP BY a.FacilityPrefix, a.AccountNumber, a.RemitDate

    Incidentally, I'd get out of the habit of using a,b,c,d etcetera as aliases - the more aliases you use the more confusing it gets. Try and use more meaningful terms. Also, without having DDL posted it's a little difficult to be certain, but could you use ROW_NUMBER to identify the record you want without needing a subquery at all?

  • thank you for the reply and that has me moving in the right direction.... BUT this is the current error

    IF OBJECT_ID('IsFirstRemit_D') IS NOT NULL

    TRUNCATE TABLE IsFirstRemit_D;

    SELECT MIN(a.ClaimDetailID) as ClaimDetailID




    --INTO IsFirstRemit_D  --> error says this already exist well yes it does its a table that i am truncating and trying to refill...

    Any ideas?



  • If the table already exists, use INSERT INTO instead of SELECT INTO (which creates a new table)

  • thank you ...the insert into was where i was wrong...thank you so much


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