changing datatype from text to varchar

  • i am trying to change the datatype from text to varchar for 1 column and I found that there is no Alter table command to do this so I used following steps to do it:

    EXEC sp_rename 'mwebattribmulti.Atmul_comment', 'holdcomm' , 'COLUMN'


    alter table mwebattribmulti

    add Atmul_comment varchar(2048) null


    update mwebattribmulti

    set mwebattribmulti.Atmul_comment = CONVERT(varchar(2048),

    SUBSTRING(b.holdcomm, 1, 2048))

    from mwebattribmulti, mwebattribmulti b

    where mwebattribmulti.atmul_Id= b.atmul_id


    alter table mwebattribmulti

    drop column holdcomm


    I sent this script to one of the customer, he does not want to use enterprise manager to do this.

    But he keeps getting following error:

    Server: Msg 4924, Level 16, State 1, Line 3ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN failed because column 'holdcomm' does not exist intable 'mwebAttribMulti'.Caution: Changing any part of an object name could break scripts and storedprocedures.The COLUMN was renamed to 'holdcomm'.The total row size (8481) for table 'mwebattribmulti' exceeds the maximumnumber of bytes per row (8060). Rows that exceed the maximum number ofbytes will not be added.(10489 row(s) affected)The total row size (8481) for table 'mwebattribmulti' exceeds the maximumnumber of bytes per row (8060). Rows that exceed the maximum number ofbytes will not be added.

    What is wrong with my query, I even tries taking out substring but still get the same error. How do I fix this ?

    Does any one know what is The total row size for table ?



  • 8060 is all you can fit in a row. After that you have to use text or one of the other BLOB types. If you're exceeding this, you should probably be using text anyway!

    Was there a problem you were trying to solve by changing the data type?


  • Try capturing what code sql enterprise manager uses to modify the table.

    ie run profiler against your test database, change the table via enterprise manager,then review your connection information in the profiler.



  • This is one of our customer - Text datatype can take only 2000 characters they want to increase it to 2048 and thats why need to change text to varchar(2048).

  • There is no limit on the size of the text datatype.

    Steve Jones

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