Changing a DTS package owner

  • Hello all,

    How do you change a DTS package owner in SQL Server 7.0?


  • Not that I know of. You can do a "save as".

    Steve Jones

  • msdb.dbo.sp_reassign_dtspackageowner name, oldid,newid

    This has 3 parameter.

    1. name = Name of the package

    2. oldid= old user name

    (eg) princeton\d34ljls

    3. newname=new username

    (eg) princeton\df2d3r43

  • I tried executing the stored procedure and I got the following error message:

    Server: Msg 8114, Level 16, State 4, Procedure sp_reassign_dtspackageowner, Line 0

    Error converting data type varchar to uniqueidentifier.

    However, I was able to change the owner of the package by going into the MSDB database through EM. If you open up the sysdtspackages table then you can change the owner from there. To make sure it works, go back to the DTS package and click the refresh button.


  • I very sorry for making mistake in passing a parameter


    @name = 'Package Name',

    @id = 'FF18ACDD-3FBF-48FF-8E1D-0CE4038D5EE4',

    @newloginname = 'sa'

  • Thanks for the correction! I'll try that next time to see if it works. BTW - Is there an easy way to get the id of the user who owns the package?


  • There r couple of ways u can get the owner of Dtspackage

    Using selet statment in MSBD database

    select * from sysdtspackages where name ='NFDW_LOAD_46_ETRAK_VER_101'


    Using sys stored procedure


    @name= 'NFDW_LOAD_46_ETRAK_VER_101',

    @id= '62168EDD-9936-466E-98DA-60E00DC739B8',


  • -- Run this SELECT statement to obtain the package_id

    select * from sysdtspackages where name = '<package_name>'

    -- sp_reassign_dtspackageowner 'package_name', 'package_id' 'newlogin_name'

    sp_reassign_dtspackageowner '<package_name>', '<package_id>', '<newLogin_name>'

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