change field length

  • Old Sql2008 box and I need to change 4 fields length on a table which contains 18+ million records.

    It's going from varchar(10) to varchar(12)

    I tried from SSMS but timed out ...

    If I do an alter

    ALTER TABLE [xxx]


    I have 8 active connections to the database. Will I lock the table?

    sorry I know old version trying to get it upgraded .. didn't know where else to post ..


  • The simplest way would be to create a new table, insert the data from the original table, rename both tables and run an update to catch any changes made between the insert and the renaming if necessary.


    There are many factors to consider and without further details, detailed advice would be pure guesswork.


  • There are around 35 fields defined in the table.. 13 non-clustered indexes, and triggers on the table to boot..

    I was hoping I could get away with the alter....


  • Bruin wrote:

    There are around 35 fields defined in the table.. 13 non-clustered indexes, and triggers on the table to boot..

    I was hoping I could get away with the alter....


    As I already stated, it is impossible to advise in any more detail without further information.


  • What other info can I provide?


  • Bruin wrote:

    What other info can I provide?


    Bruin wrote:

    What other info can I provide?


    To start with:

    1. The DDL (create table) code
    2. Indices details
    3. Usage stats
    4. Code for all triggers
    5. Constraints and foreign key details
    6. Data profile
    7. Storage and partition details



  • okay thanks for suggestions... I'll do some benchmarks.

  • If you try running the alter table command, check whether it is being blocked. I think alter the table requires a SCH-M lock which may not be possible if the table is in use. Once the lock is obtained the change should be almost immediate as it is a metadata change only, assuming you don't go to varchar(max) or change the null setting of the column . (Someone correct me if I am wrong). I have altered varchar columns in sql server 2008 on much bigger tables and not had any difficulties. Fixed with columns are a different matter. I believe that while you wait for the sch-m lock, subsequent queries will also be blocked.

    I'm not sure whether the inclusion of the column in an index complicates things, but if you run sp_whoisactive while the alter table is running you will see whether it's blocked, or actually doing work that is taking a long time.

  • Thanks for info...

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