Chance data Capture with AG

  • Since CDC uses log reader to read the changes from the Log. If the SQL server is configured for AOAG group, I was thinking to enable the CDC on secondary replica instead of primary replica. Would you see any issues with this setup? I am thinking Change data capture are not supported on secondary databases that belong to readable secondary replica? Do you agree? Instead of running CDC from Primary is there any other options? Do you suggest sql server replication to another server and then enable CDC from there? Any other thoughts?

  • Thanks John. Other vendors offer tools, at different price points, but those prices depend on the size in cores of the source DB. So, we want to get quotes from them, but we’d like to see if we can get quoted using a server that is smaller than our production server.

    The purpose for this would be two options. To make the price cheaper, and (2) to avoid the overhead on the production database that might occur if CDC were running there.

    Let me know if you agree on below?

    If we use either availability group or Clustered environments it won't make any difference it terms of size in cores.

    Can CDC from an outside vendor be run on one of the availability group servers, or, if we have an availability group, do we have to go with putting the replication onto the production server? I would not use replication with Availability group it has it's own issues.

    Do we even want to put replication CDC onto the production server? Is there a potential performance hit for doing so?  Does replication play a role for cluster vs availability group? It won't but replication is not solution for very large database.

    Thanks in Advance!

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