Central Management Server - Redundancy

  • Hi,

    Is there a way to configure Central management so that it is running in a redundant manner? i.e. use a HA setup? Connect via the listner... The fact that it stores the config to the msdb makes me think this is not possible, but are there any scripts to move Central managment data from one server to another?


  • OK, so whilst this can't be setup in a true HA fashion I did come up with a workaround. Not that pretty but for us its functional
    In the end I setup a v.small alwayson setup with 2 servers, and configured a listener for them.
    Then i used a PowerShell script to sync the CMS between the two servers on a schedule, using the listener as the source of truth (so which every server is the primary at the time).

    I documented it here on my blog, using modified scripts from Chrissy LeMaire

    It does mean that the CMS is running if a particular server is down.


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