Casting Date/Time as string, padding empty chars with 0.

  • Hi,

    I need to retrieve the time part of a Date/Time field in SQL Server 2000 as a 9-byte string.  This is what it needs to exactly look like:  hhmmssmss.

    This is the statement I am writing in order to retrieve this:

    CAST((DATEPART(hh,DATETIMEVAL) as char(2)) +

    CAST((DATEPART(mi,DATETIMEVAL) as char(2)) +

    CAST((DATEPART(ss,DATETIMEVAL) as char(2)) +

    CAST((DATEPART(mi,DATETIMEVAL) as char(3))

    That gives me something like what I want, but when the return values are in single digits ( for example, 06 hrs, 000 ms), it is only giving me 6 for hours and 0 for ms, and leaving the other chars blank.  For example, when I want 162205003, I am getting something like 1622 5  3.

    Bottom line:

    How do I either pad the chars with zeros when the values are smaller?

  • Try

    Select Stuff(Stuff(Replace(Replace(Convert(Char(23),GetDate(),126),'-',''),':',''),9,1,''),15,1,'')

    Select Stuff(Stuff(Replace(Replace(Convert(Char(23),Cast('1 jan 1990 13:14:15.123' as datetime),126),'-',''),':',''),9,1,''),15,1,'')

  • Hi Val

    It seems that your original statement is nearly giving you what you want, except that you have spaces where you want zeroes to appear. So can you just use

    replace([expression], ' ', '0')

    to fix it up?



    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Try select convert(varchar(9),getdate(),114)

  • Anne's nearly got it.

    Try this:

    select replace(convert(varchar(12),getdate(),114),':','')



    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Doesn't this just show up a weakness of SQL Server. Compared to Oracle's ToDate or VB's Format, this is all a bit complex for a pretty common task. I know, I know, use a function.


    NB I can put more than 2 heresies in a single post: Select * is cool, primary keys are for retentives only and comments are for losers

  • Tell you what Bill, you write a T-SQL UDF that implements VB's Format function, and I'm sure you will get a special prize

  • You can use Replicate function. Look into BOL

    Leah Kats

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