CAST vs CONVERT or another solution?

  • I have two tables that I need to compare columns in. This is the design:

    Both tables have the same field (column b in table 1, column cb in table 2). b is varchar(12), and will contain both numbers and alpha characters. cb is int, and only contains numbers.

    I cannot compare the columns directly, because of the data type differences. So I've tried CAST and CONVERT - both of these work around the solution, but the run time is extremely long.

    SELECT column1, column2, b,

    (SELECT count(index) from TABLE2 WHERE cast(cb as varchar(12) = b) as count


    I've looked at adding a join to TABLE1 a second time, and only pull in those records where the column B only has numbers, but then I'm missing some of the data that I'd expect to retrieve.

    I'm wondering if there is any other solutions that I might be overlooking. If you need any additional details, please ask. Thanks for all the help in advance!

  • Could you please post DDL and some data sample as per

    What exact output you watt to see?

    How large your tables are?

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
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    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • While you are working on getting us proper DDL for the 2 tables, can you also clarify your SQL statement?

    cast(cb as varchar(12) = b) is not syntactically correct and will not run.

    CE - Microsoft

  • Sure, here is some dummy data and the query that would provide my expected results:

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable1','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #mytable1

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable2','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #mytable2

    --===== Create the test table with

    CREATE TABLE #mytable1(

    col1 varchar(12),

    col2 varchar(12),

    b varchar(12))

    INSERT INTO #mytable1(col1, col2, b)

    SELECT 'test', 'test', '12345' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'a', 'a', '23456' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'cat', 'cat', '09876' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'bat', 'bat', '22222' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'dog', 'dog', '11111' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'frog', 'frog', '33333' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'weird', 'weird', 'IOK11'

    CREATE TABLE #mytable2(

    ind int IDENTITY(1,1),

    cb int)


    INSERT INTO #mytable2(ind, cb)

    SELECT 1, '12345' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, '23456' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, '09876' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, '22222' UNION ALL

    SELECT 5, '11111' UNION ALL

    SELECT 6, '33333' UNION ALL

    SELECT 7, '22222' UNION ALL

    SELECT 8, '33333' UNION ALL

    SELECT 9, '22222' UNION ALL

    SELECT 10, '12345'

    select col1, col2, b,

    (Select count(ind) from #mytable2 where cast(cb as varchar(12)) = b) as cnt

    FROM #mytable1

    Regarding the size of my tables, they are quite large, over 1.5 million rows each.

  • Using cast or convert won't make any differencr performance wise.

    And unfortunately using any of them in join or where clause will panalize you for performance.

    Why don't you change the datatype of int to varchar?

    Online Trainer For SQL DBA and Developer @RedBushTechnologies with 18 yrs exp.

  • Unfortunately, I cannot change the datatype. But that gave me a thought of potentially warehousing the data in that table overnight, and then having that warehoused datatype being varchar(12). Then, I could just change my query to look at the table with the varchar, and I'd hope my performance would be better.

    If anyone has any other ideas, please feel free to chime in.



  • S_Kumar_S (3/27/2012)

    Using cast or convert won't make any differencr performance wise.

    That's not true...

    CE - Microsoft

  • There is one thing we know for sure and that is that there will be no match if the data in b is alphanumeric. Try this and see if it helps. Note: if you have characters like $ you might need to expand the check a bit.

    (CASE WHEN IsNumeric(b) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (Select count(ind) from #mytable2 where cb = cast(b as int)) END)

    The sample is too small to test well enough for speed.

  • SELECT mt1.col1,




    FROM #mytable1 mt1


    FROM #mytable2

    WHERE CAST(cb AS VARCHAR(12)) = b) cnt

    CE - Microsoft

  • Oh another thing I just noticed which puts what I say ahead is this. You logged 09876 for cat in both tables, but if you store it in int the 0 is stripped off. From there when you compare 9876 to 09876 as varchar they are not equal. So the question is, should they be? If so then you will need to either strip the leading zero from b to be sure or convert b to int.

    Also here is another possibility.

    select col1, col2, b,


    FROM #mytable1 A


    #mytable2 B


    (CASE WHEN IsNumeric(b) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE CASE WHEN cb = cast(b as int) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END END) = 1

    group by

    col1, col2, b

  • Thanks so much everyone. Really appreciate the help and the fresh perspectives on my issue. I will not have leading zeros, but it's something good to think about in the future.


  • Hi

    Can you pls guide to some link that shows this difference. Most of the places I know just say that the performance is similar. e.g this one:

    SQLKnowItAll (3/27/2012)

    S_Kumar_S (3/27/2012)

    Using cast or convert won't make any differencr performance wise.

    That's not true...

    Online Trainer For SQL DBA and Developer @RedBushTechnologies with 18 yrs exp.

  • S_Kumar_S (3/28/2012)


    Can you pls guide to some link that shows this difference. Most of the places I know just say that the performance is similar. e.g this one:

    SQLKnowItAll (3/27/2012)

    S_Kumar_S (3/27/2012)

    Using cast or convert won't make any differencr performance wise.

    That's not true...

    Why do you need a link when you can test? This is just one way to test and look at different metrics.

    USE tempdb

    CREATE TABLE testDate (testcol datetime)

    INSERT INTO testDate

    SELECT TOP 1000000 GETDATE()

    FROM sys.columns c1

    CROSS JOIN sys.columns c2

    CROSS JOIN sys.columns c3

    --RUN separately

    SELECT CAST(DATEDIFF(d,0,testcol) AS datetime)

    FROM testDate

    SELECT CONVERT(datetime, datediff(d,0, testcol),126)

    FROM testDate

    --DROP TABLE testDate

    CE - Microsoft

  • SQLKnowItAll (3/28/2012)

    S_Kumar_S (3/28/2012)


    Can you pls guide to some link that shows this difference. Most of the places I know just say that the performance is similar. e.g this one:

    SQLKnowItAll (3/27/2012)

    S_Kumar_S (3/27/2012)

    Using cast or convert won't make any differencr performance wise.

    That's not true...

    Why do you need a link when you can test? This is just one way to test and look at different metrics.

    OK, I have to agree with Kumar either one can be used without a performance hit. The stats are always the same for either one. They produce the same reads/writes and generate the same execution plan. There is no difference between the two with performance. The same arguement has been made about IsNull and Coalesce. Other than parameter options they have the same performance.

  • I too executed your query several times on a development server. Depending on load, either of them worked faster but the tests never convinced me that one is faster than other....

    May be a stand alone machine might show some standard result but I trust still the performance difference will be negligible...

    Antares686 (3/28/2012)

    SQLKnowItAll (3/28/2012)

    S_Kumar_S (3/28/2012)


    Can you pls guide to some link that shows this difference. Most of the places I know just say that the performance is similar. e.g this one:

    SQLKnowItAll (3/27/2012)

    S_Kumar_S (3/27/2012)

    Using cast or convert won't make any differencr performance wise.

    That's not true...

    Why do you need a link when you can test? This is just one way to test and look at different metrics.

    OK, I have to agree with Kumar either one can be used without a performance hit. The stats are always the same for either one. They produce the same reads/writes and generate the same execution plan. There is no difference between the two with performance. The same arguement has been made about IsNull and Coalesce. Other than parameter options they have the same performance.

    Online Trainer For SQL DBA and Developer @RedBushTechnologies with 18 yrs exp.

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