Case statement won't work in grouping

  • Hi,

    I have a table like below -

    create table #Temp(Code varchar(2),Description varchar(50),Time datetime)

    insert into #Temp(Code,Description,Time)


    select 'XX','XXDescription','2010-10-01 15:14:00.000' UNION

    select 'XX','XXDescription','2010-10-02 14:12:00.000' UNION

    select 'XX','XXDescription','2010-10-03 14:14:00.000' UNION

    select 'XY','XYDescription','2010-10-01 15:14:00.000' UNION

    select 'XY','XYDescription','2010-10-02 14:11:00.000' UNION

    select 'XY','XYDescription','2010-10-03 14:13:00.000' UNION

    select 'XZ','XZDescription','2010-10-01 12:30:00.000' UNION

    select 'XZ','XZDescription','2010-10-02 12:31:00.000' UNION

    select 'XZ','XZDescription','2010-10-03 12:29:00.000' UNION

    select 'XZ','XZDescription','2010-10-04 12:20:00.000'


    Now what I want to do is I want to select max time for each Code and also based on selected max time, if its before or after certain period, I want to show 'Success','Delay' kinda messages....

    I have written query like -

    select Code,Description,MAX(Time), Status = case when (Select MAX(Time) from #Temp where Code = 'XX') < '2010-10-02' then 'Success'

    when (Select MAX(Time) from #Temp where Code = 'XY') < '2010-10-05' then 'Success'

    else 'Delay' end

    from #Temp

    group by Code,Description

    This query says if max time for XX/XY code is less than specified Date/Time then show Status as Success else show as Delay...

    But the above query gives me all results as Success eventhough I should see some results as Delay.. Is there anything wrong with the query?


  • Something like this, perhaps?




    CASE WHEN CODE = 'XX' AND MaxTime >= '2010-10-02' THEN 'DELAY'

    WHEN CODE = 'XY' AND MaxTime >= '2010-10-05' THEN 'DELAY'

    ELSE 'SUCCESS' END AS SuccessDelay




    MAX( [Time]) AS MaxTime


    #Temp AS t



    ) AS drv

    Note the subquery. Get your grouping out of the way, then deal with your case/calculations.

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  • Yep.. it worked fine.. πŸ˜€

    seems like grouping won't work with case statements...! :unsure:


  • Sacheen (11/2/2010)

    Yep.. it worked fine.. πŸ˜€

    seems like grouping won't work with case statements...! :unsure:

    No, they work fine together. This[/url] article shows how to use CASE with aggregation to perform high-speed crosstabs.

    β€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
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