Case statement - Count When

  • Hi
    I am trying to add in the case statement below 
    if sn_status <> 'COMP' and sn_type='De-Activated' then 'NOT COMP'
    Could you tell me how I could incorporate that?

          when sum(case when sn_status='COMP' and sn_type='De-Activated' then 1 else 0 end)&gt;0
        then str(datediff(day
                when (sn_type='De-Activated'
                and sn_status='COMP'
                 or (sn_type='Re-Activattion'
                and sn_status='N-CO'
                then created_date
                else null
                when (sn_type='De-Activated'
                and sn_status='COMP'
                 or (sn_type='Re-Activattion'
                and sn_status='COMP'
                then completed_date
                else null
        else 'NO DEACT'
       as comp_deactivated

  • case
        when (sn_type='De-Activated' and sn_status='COMP')
            or (sn_type='Re-Activattion' and sn_status='N-CO')
            then created_date
        WHEN sn_status <> 'COMP' and sn_type='De-Activated' then 'NOT COMP'
        else null


  • John Mitchell-245523 - Wednesday, July 5, 2017 5:50 AM

        when (sn_type='De-Activated' and sn_status='COMP')
            or (sn_type='Re-Activattion' and sn_status='N-CO')
            then created_date
        WHEN sn_status <> 'COMP' and sn_type='De-Activated' then 'NOT COMP'
        else null

    Thanks John but that will provide me with a new column 
    I am trying to use the logic you wrote but in the provided sttament. 
    So it's one column. 

  • danijel.bozic87 - Tuesday, July 4, 2017 10:02 PM

    I am trying to add in the case statement below 
    if sn_status <> 'COMP' and sn_type='De-Activated' then 'NOT COMP'
    Could you tell me how I could incorporate that?

          when sum(case when sn_status='COMP' and sn_type='De-Activated' then 1 else 0 end)&gt;0
        then str(datediff(day
                when (sn_type='De-Activated'
                and sn_status='COMP'
                 or (sn_type='Re-Activattion'
                and sn_status='N-CO'
                then created_date
                else null
                when (sn_type='De-Activated'
                and sn_status='COMP'
                 or (sn_type='Re-Activattion'
                and sn_status='COMP'
                then completed_date
                else null
        else 'NO DEACT'
       as comp_deactivated

    Give us a CREATE table statement, some INSERTs to populate it, and your expected output and we can provide you with working code in a jiffy. Without those we are doing nothing more than trying to guess at what you need - and most of us won't waste our time with guesses.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • TheSQLGuru - Wednesday, July 5, 2017 7:25 AM

    danijel.bozic87 - Tuesday, July 4, 2017 10:02 PM

    I am trying to add in the case statement below 
    if sn_status <> 'COMP' and sn_type='De-Activated' then 'NOT COMP'
    Could you tell me how I could incorporate that?

          when sum(case when sn_status='COMP' and sn_type='De-Activated' then 1 else 0 end)&gt;0
        then str(datediff(day
                when (sn_type='De-Activated'
                and sn_status='COMP'
                 or (sn_type='Re-Activattion'
                and sn_status='N-CO'
                then created_date
                else null
                when (sn_type='De-Activated'
                and sn_status='COMP'
                 or (sn_type='Re-Activattion'
                and sn_status='COMP'
                then completed_date
                else null
        else 'NO DEACT'
       as comp_deactivated

    Give us a CREATE table statement, some INSERTs to populate it, and your expected output and we can provide you with working code in a jiffy. Without those we are doing nothing more than trying to guess at what you need - and most of us won't waste our time with guesses.

    Got it

    Thanks, I will keep that in mind next time i post a question.

    By the way
    This was the solution
                           when sum(case when SN_TYPE='Re-energisation' then 1 else 0 end)>0
        then 'NOT COMP'
        else 'NO RE-ACT'

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