can't view all db_users when select * from sys.databaseprincipals

  • OK folks, I have had sysadmin permissions, so I should be able to list all prove it to myself that sysadmin is good enough,I have just created a sql server login and altered.

    So is it possible to get a lead as to what the stored procedure needs to be able to do so that I can list all db_users? Will this be straight SQL and against which tables?

  • Lynn, I'm a DBA, it turns out. Does that mean that the list I am getting when I do select * from sys.database_principals is complete afterall?

  • KoldCoffee (3/27/2013)

    Lynn, I'm a DBA, it turns out. Does that mean that the list I am getting when I do select * from sys.database_principals is complete afterall?

    If you have sysadmin rights while running the query you have, you are seeing all the database principals.

  • Thank you, Lynn.

    --Quote me

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