Can't upgeane SQL Server 2014 Developer to SQL Server 2016 Developer

  • According to this page (, full upgrade from is supported.


    However, I was only able to upgrade Share Features and Redistributable Features. I was never offered the option to upgrade my SQL Server 2014 Developer instance.


    Even though the UI didn't match the instructions:


    As can be seen, there's no Upgrade from SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2012, or SQL Server 2014, only Upgrade from a previous version of SQL Server.


    I tried it anyway but nothing:



    I already had SQL Server Management Studio 2016 installed.


    Has anyone been able to do this?

  • I would check the setup logs.

    I had an issue but that was with SSRS and had to look throught the logs to find that out.

    Might be here somewhere

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Setup Bootstrap\Log

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  • I realized I haven't upgraded any instances.

    I've got a 2012 one handy I can upgrade, so once I get Dev edition down, I'll try it.

  • It turns out that, instead of downloading SQL Server 2014 Developer Edition from my MSDN subscriber downloads I downloaded it from the Visual Studio Essentials download.

    Because only one version was available, it never crossed my mind it was the x86 version instead on the x64 version.

    And SQL Server 2016 seems to be x64 only.

    Would it be possible to upgrade SQL Server 2014 x86 to SQL Server x64?

  • Certainly in the past, no:

    And not still:

    This is cross platform.

    The only thing I know to do here is

    a) install a named instance. Backup and restore dbs.

    b) script out logins/jobs/linked servers. Backup dbs. Uninstall x86 and install x64.

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