Can't install Adventureworks2008

  • Hi there:

    I've copied the Adventureworks2008 files (including the Documents folder) to a non-default location and am attempting to attach the database, but I'm getting an error. By non-default location, I mean I'm not putting in on my C: drive under the installation folder, as is where the default location for SQL Server databases typically go. Rather, I put my data on the D: drive so I don't clutter up my C: partition with stuff like this.

    The error I'm getting seems to indicate it is having trouble with the "Documents" folder. The error message states 'Unable to open the physical file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\Documents". Operating system error 2: "2(The system cannot find the file specified.)". Anyway, I tried to copy just the Documents folder to that location, but I still cannot successfully attach the database.

    I should also state that I have no problems attaching AdventureWorksDW and Northwind. My assumption is that there is some issue with this Documents folder.

    Any idea as to how I can deal with this (other than copying the entire Adventureworks to my C: drive in the default location, which I do prefer not to do)?


    Del Lee

  • Do you have FileStream enabled? It is the filestream store that you are having issues with.

  • Thanks for the response. Yes, I enabled Filestreaming prior to my attempts to attach. Any idea what else could be the cause?

    Del Lee

  • Maybe try this

  • Are you using the MSI to install? I just tried to install and the MSI didn't work, but using the zip file and running the scripts went fine.

  • I got the files from the CD that came with the 70-433 training kit. There are no scripts included.

    I got Brian Kelly to look at it last night at our Midlands PASS meeting, and he recommended getting the latest files and scripts from CodePlex. I found an exe to download from there that does the install, so I've pulled that down. I'll attempt to run it some time this weekend. He also recommended getting the LT version which isn't as large. I'm just experimenting with some things, so I probably don't need all that data, and I don't know that seeing an example of the filestreaming feature is that important to me. So, worst case, I'll go with the LT version.

    Thanks for your suggestions.

    Del Lee

  • Just to close this out, I finally got it installed successfully. A helpful page is located here:

    In my case, I believe the issue may have been the bug in Windows XP that requires you to change the account SQL Server runs under to "Local System" as a workaround during the installation.


    Del Lee

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