cant connect to server in DTS

  • Setup : new install of Sql server 2000 enterprise with SP3a on new install of Win XP SP1 and all updates

    I have the server setup so that I can create db do select insert... from EM and QA and I can also debug SPs. But when I try to do a database copy operation in a dts I can't even connect to my own server (with same login info as all other operations I can make). I select local as the server but when I try to open the db list I get this error : [SQl-DMO] unable to connect to the specidied server. Check the server name, login name and password.

    I tried creating another dbo login using sql server authentication but that didn't work either. I was wondering if the sp3 could be closing some ports on the server so that "outsiders" couldn't connect... and I'm opened to any suggestions.

  • Nothing like that I have seen. How are you referencing the local server with . or (local) or a named instance? Try using as the server name and see what happens.

  • I found the solution... Sqlserver was a named instance using a domain account so I just changed to local info to : REMI\Dev and it worked like a charm...

    That's 1 more stupid mistake I can call experience 🙂

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