Can't browse databases in SSMS 2008

  • Just wanted to give an update, I have solved the issue, and am pretty certain it was due to a SQL security update that happened over a week ago. I noticed in the logs that the update was dropping and re-adding tables and views in the msdb (I searched the logs for the syspolicy_configuration object that the error message alerted us to.) I can only assume that something went wrong either in the update, or starting the instance back up after the update. This is a cluster, so I failed the instance over to one of the other nodes, and everything worked perfectly! I assumed when I failed back ,that it would break again and I would need to uninstall and reinstall the update. However, after failing back it still worked fine....That leaves me a bit puzzled because the msdb is the same no matter what node we are on....

    Any insight as to why this might have fixed the issue would be helpful. Thanks for all your ideas!

  • We had this error too.

    Basically all users should be able to access these views as SELECT rights are granted to public. There must be a specific DENY for this user. In our case, the user was a member of db_denydatareader in msdb.

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