Cannot see my database in object explorer - running Vista

  • I am using SSMS 2008 and can connect to my DB, but can't see it in the object explorer pane. I can see two folders "System Databases" and "Database Snapshots", but get an error when I try to expand them. I know I'm connected because I can execute queries from a query window. My database is also shown in the 'Available Databases' window.

    Thanks for any help or suggestions.

  • Is the SQL server instance 2008 as well ?

    I am just an another naive wannabe DBA trying to learn SQL Server

  • Screen shot please.

  • SQL 2008. Have no problems using 2014 on another system. Screen shots attached. Thanks for your help.

  • See if this helps.

    Please note the issue occurs only if the user trying to connect is not a sysadmin.In your case if you are a sysadmin and are trying to connect and still getting the error then I guess only option would be to reinstall SSMS.

    I am just an another naive wannabe DBA trying to learn SQL Server

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