Cannot mak the change on Publisher's articles

  • Hello room,

    When I tried to update my publisher's article.

    exec sp_changearticle 'Publisher name', 'table1', 'del_cmd', 'NONE'

    I got the error listed:

    Msg 20608, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSreinit_article, Line 122

    Cannot make the change because there are active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force the change and reinitialize the active subscriptions.

    Can anyone advise on this.?

    Thank you.


  • As it says, you can force the subscription by passing in a parameter.

    Here's the entry in BOL:

  • Hi,

    Try this,Stop the synchronization process and then change the articles in Publisher database.

    I hope this will solve your problem

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