Cannot deploy cube -analysis services tutorial-


    I began to follow this video because adventure works database is what i am working with.

    When i try to attach the database in SQl manager it gives me this error.

    I just want to be able to deploy this database.

    please, if anyone has any suggestions i am all ears.

  • Here is the screenshot.

    How do i check if

    OLAP has started?

  • Here is some added information that may help.

    This is my local machine. I am connecting to the database Adventure works dw 2012 that i downloaded and moved to my data folder and "unblocked it".

    I created a login for the AdventureWorksDW2012 and used my current login which is (name)-PC. (Also, i was told by someone i had to use the Adventure Works DW 2012 instead of regular adventure works 2012. I dont know if that is true or not)

    I have been playing around with the impersonation information and obviously have been getting different errors with each attempt.

    Mostly i have been just trying "Use this service account".

    When i installed SQL was there any special configurations i missed?

  • cook155 (4/14/2014)

    Here is some added information that may help.

    This is my local machine. I am connecting to the database Adventure works dw 2012 that i downloaded and moved to my data folder and "unblocked it".

    I created a login for the AdventureWorksDW2012 and used my current login which is (name)-PC. (Also, i was told by someone i had to use the Adventure Works DW 2012 instead of regular adventure works 2012. I dont know if that is true or not)

    I have been playing around with the impersonation information and obviously have been getting different errors with each attempt.

    Mostly i have been just trying "Use this service account".

    When i installed SQL was there any special configurations i missed?

    Adventure Works 2012 DW is the one the cube project uses.

    Adventure Works 2012 is the transactional sample.

    Most cubes have a data warehouse in between the cube and the transactional source.

    This has additional business logic, many times to summarize data and will be of a more report friendly structure.

    The user you are using must be part of the SSAS admin group.

    NT SERVICE\MSSQLServerOLAPService must have access to the Adventure Works 2012 DW.

    Grant it owner role and try again.

  • Is this is done by adding a log on in the SSMS? or making changes in my config. mangager?

  • If i do use manager do i have to make a new user under security or do i i go to AdventureWorksDW2012, right-click it, go to properties, go to the permissions tab and either try to add the user there or change the permissions of my local machine?

  • Assuming SSAS and SQL are on the same server, the MSOLAP user was created on the machine at installation.

    I usually verify that it exists under the under the main Security \ Logins folder and administer from there.

    You may have to search for it on the local machine to get started.

    Likely it does not have to be dbo.Owner, Data Reader is probably good enough.

  • cook155 (4/15/2014)

    Is this is done by adding a log on in the SSMS? or making changes in my config. mangager?


    It is just that the account SSAS is running under as a Service does not have any SQL permissions granted at installation, even if on the same box as SQL.

    It needs to be able to read the data first to be able to build the cube structure.

  • Hey Greg

    So i did what you said. I went to the main security tab in SSMS and found the MSSQLOLAP and gave it adventure works dbo creator and reader priviledges. I have been stuck on this issue since february and i finally got it. Thank you sir!

  • Hopefully i wont have any more permission issues (or issues in general as i complete Analysis services, data mining, etc..)

    Thanks again

  • This is something that they could document a bit better for the newbie.

    The error kind of points in the general direction, but it's not exactly clear.

    Probably more confusing by the multiple accounts that can come into play.

    Enjoy - I find it interesting when people go to great lengths in SQL to solve what a cube makes trivial. 😀

  • cook155 (4/16/2014)

    Hey Greg

    So i did what you said. I went to the main security tab in SSMS and found the MSSQLOLAP and gave it adventure works dbo creator and reader priviledges. I have been stuck on this issue since february and i finally got it. Thank you sir!

    You are very welcome. Makes my day to be able to help someone out and be able to give back a little to this site.

  • Change your impersonation mode (in DATA SOURCE) to windows user with password, though you are using local machine.

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