Cannot create DSN with sql 2005 named instance

  • Dear All, I have installed sql 2000 and sql 2005 eterprise edition on same machine. When i try to create DSN with sql 2005 name instance, it gives error like server doesnot exist.

    however when i create with sql 2000 it works fine.

    sql 2000 server name is  :BroadcomQADC

    Sql 2005 server name is  :BroadcomQADC\QADC2005


    any help


  • I had this same issue before. I had to create an alias on the server and use the default 1433 port. Seemed weird to me that I had to do this, but had to with a named instance.

    -Chuck Lathrope

  • well i got the solution, after disableing firewall i manage to create DSN with sql 2005 named instance from remote computer

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