Cannot be perform write operation in database sql server 2008 r2

  • we are getting errior in event viewer, "Cannot be performed write operation in the database" so the application has hunging statge.

    After that bring the database to offfline then online, then error wont occur , after 2 months i will happen same issue..

    What is issue ? please anyone help to me..



  • solomon.jernas (8/1/2014)

    we are getting errior in event viewer, "Cannot be performed write operation in the database" so the application has hunging statge.

    After that bring the database to offfline then online, then error wont occur , after 2 months i will happen same issue..

    What is issue ? please anyone help to me..



    Your guess is as good as ours, in fact better since you can see the event logs and the actual error message(s). All we have to go on is the little bit you posted above.

    It would help if you provided more details on the issue including the complete error messages you are getting. There are probably error messages preceding this last one that would help in figuring out the problem.

  • Completely guessing, your database is in FULL recovery and you don't run log backups? Is the drive where the log files live full?

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • As Lynn said, give us something to work with! My guess is that Grant is dead on, just in case, check free space on all relative volumes, auto growth limits/settings, particularly if there is space for the set growth, free space within the database etc. If all looks fine, then check the health statistics of all affected volumes (SMART/SAN Logs etc.), and the properties of all affected data/log files (just in case)


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