Can splitting a database to several databses improve performance.

  • mtillman-921105 (8/31/2010)

    george sibbald (8/31/2010)

    mtillman-921105 (8/31/2010)

    I would think that it matters how often the tables would be joined when they were being used. If they always have to be joined anyway, splitting them out would make less sense to me. (If they're always having to be joined, they are in effect operating as one table too - and I would think that splitting the tables would actually hurt performance.)

    Also, how many columns would be in each table if the table was split out? Wouldn't that matter as well?

    Please correct me if I'm wrong about this, I'm certainly no expert.

    If the tables are often joined, they should be in the same database, however, as both tables need to be read to satisfy the query, IO throughput, and thus performance, can be improved by placing those tables on different drives.

    You're right - the question was about splitting a database rather than a table. Sorry about that.:blush:

    no need to be, the discussion had gone that way anyway. 🙂


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