can someone help me with a query?

  • new to t-sql and having trouble with a query in my personal DB


    i have a DB with stock prices, bond prices and just imported a new table with inflation data. i want to look at bond prices and CPI data for the same years

    this is my draft query



    b.close_price,, c.avg, c.year from tenyearbond b inner join cpi c on datepart(year, (select date from tenyearbond)) = c.year


    the cpi table is only a year and the 10 year bond table is the year, month and day. i get an error that the subquery returned more than one result. can someone help me out and point me to where this is in BOL so i can read up on it?

  • This should do it:

    select b.close_price,, c.avg, c.year

     from tenyearbond b

     inner join cpi c

     on datepart(year, b.tenyearbond) = c.year

    Performance won't be fantastic because if you have an index on, it won't be used.


  • thanks, works perfectly


    i changed it a little and here is the final one i'm using



    b.close_price,, c.inflation, c.year

    from tenyearbond b

    inner join cpi c

    on datepart(year, = c.year order by date



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