Can dynamic sql statement contains table variable

  • Hi, I am trying to construct a dynamic sql containing a table varaible as this:

    declare @mv_table table (t_id int, item int )

    declare @mv_sql varchar(1000)

    insert into @mv_table values ( 1, 1 )

    set @mv_sql = 'select count(t_id) from ' + '@mv_table'

    exec ( @mv_sql )

    Then, I got an error:

    Must declare the variable '@mv_table'.

    Can only one let me know if sql can contain a table variable or not. OR, if I did something wrong?

    By the way, the reason I need to do this dynamic sql is that I need to put data from 4-6 table variables into one table variable.

    But I can't use union in my case.


    Abby Zhang

  • That is because the variable does not exist in the same scope as the dynamic SQL query. And then this comes from BOL

    A table variable behaves like a local variable. It has a well-defined scope, which is the function, stored procedure, or batch in which it is declared.

    Within its scope, a table variable may be used like a regular table. It may be applied anywhere a table or table expression is used in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. However, table may not be used in the following statements:

    INSERT INTO table_variable EXEC stored_procedure

    SELECT select_list INTO table_variable statements.

    If I am right your should be able to do

    declare @mv_table table (t_id int, item int )

    declare @mv_sql varchar(1000)

    insert into @mv_table values ( 1, 1 )

    select count(t_id) from @mv_table

    But sorry I have not used these as of yet or tested.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Yes, I am able to do insert into @mv_table

    select count(*) from @mv_table

    no problem.

    The issue is:

    If I need to create the sql dynamically, like this:

    set @mv_sql = 'select count(*) from @mv_table'.

    Then I got the scope issue.

    I have 6 table variables.

    I need to do some sql execution based on which table contains what kind of variables.

    Any hints for how to resolve the issue?


  • Also, in my another piece of code, I need to use

    table variable and dynamic sql.

    I need to handle a dynamic search, the input search criteria will be any or combination of any of 44 fields.

    Originally, I plan to do a dynamic sql and put the result into a table variable. Since I can't do this:

    insert into @mv_table

    exec (@mv_dynamic_sql)

    then, Can I do this:

    create table #temptable

    then insert the search result to #temptable?

    Comparing with using a table variable, is it true that using #temptable will be much slower?

    The table will only have one column (t_id).

    Normally, the search result will be from

    1 to 100,000 records, depending on the search


    OR, instead of doing dynamic sql, I can do this:

    select t_id

    from mv_user_table

    where t1 = coalesce ( @input_t1, t1 )

    and t2 = coalesce (@input_t2, t2)


    and t44 = coalesce (@input_t44, t44)

    comparing with using dynamic sql, which way is better?

    Thanks in advance.

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