Can create

  • Hi,

    Can anyone help me please!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am a new user here....

    I create report using VS 2005.

    I can preview it and delpoy it

    I open it from  //msprint01/reports

    my report is there but when I click on it.

    there is an error saying

    what should I do.



    • An error has occurred during report processing.

      • Cannot create a connection to data source 'DSNavTest'.

        • For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors

  • The Data sources used in the dev environment are not deplyed to the report server.

    Make sure you have a shared data source on the report server in report manager, and then click the report, click properties, Data Source, and select a valid data source.

  • Hi Ray,

    I have followed your suggestion, but I still get the same error message.

    Do you think it has something to do with my RS configuration setup?

    I find out that in my RS configuration - under 'Window service Identity'

    my service account is local system and my built-in Account is local system.

    I have read in help and it seems that choose a local system is not recommended.

    do you think I should change to network service?

    it seems to me that my RS can't gain access to the server with the data.

    my data is in different server.

    any thought of this



  • Report Server connection setup is extremely tricky! This is because Report Server is not an application but five or six, (or more I didn't really count), applications linked together. Here's a URL to print and read:

    Pay particular attention to the part about using a non SA Sql Login and how you've got to manually add them to four seperate table's Roles.


    In addition there's is a mistake in one of the XML configuration files used by Report Manager which is where you can do a good chunk of your configuring with less pain, (assuming you can get Reeport Manager up). If you can't then pay particular attention to section seven of the above print out.


    Good Hunting!

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