Can connect using IP address, port but not with alias set up w/ same info

  • NOTE: The following applies to 32bit clients trying to use an alias to any other box.

    I have no problems with 64bit clients.

    From SQL Server Management Studio, I can connect to another server instance by using the IP address and port number: XXX.XX.XX.XXX,PPPP.

    From SQL Server Configuration Manager, I set up an alias with the same IP address and port number. I then attempt to connect using the alias.

    The following written before I noticed that every server I had problem with was 32bit:

    On some servers this fails every time. On other servers I can connect using an alias. I have not been able to determine the configuration facts that determines which server is able to connect to other hosts using an alias and which cannot.

    A clarification - the issue is with the server(s) I am logged onto - not the server(s) I am connecting to. On one server I can connect to many servers using the alias, on another I cannot connect to any servers using the alias.

  • You're creating the alias on each of the client machines, right?

    That's how it's supposed to work. You create aliases (pointing to specific remote names and ports) on the client, so that your users don't have to remember them, but you have to do that for each "client machine" needing to use those connections.

    That's at least my understanding.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Yes, it is the client machine - some client machines recognize an alias and some do not. I am trying to find what setting on the client machine may be allowing or disallowing the recognition of an alias.

    And, yes, it is the alias that I set up on the client - some clients recognize their own aliases (aliases defined on the client to access another instance) and some do not.

  • This only happens on 32 bit machines - i have no trouble aliasing on 64bit - from a 64bit client I can connect to any type of instance regardless of posted on 64bit or 32bit - it is the opposite (nothing works) when I try t o connect to an alias defined on a 32bit client

  • jnaue u r right.

    i also faced same situation.

  • Hey Jnaue,

    with me on my 64 bit client machine i set up the alias with specific port name and ip address of database server which is in different domain, however whenever i tried to connect with Alias name from client machine it won't connect , i can connect only using IP address.

    Did you get you problem working..appreciate it if you could share.



  • On 64 bit machines I have added a name for the IP of the server on the .hosts file, and then used that name for the server name when defining the alias in SQL Server Configuration Manager

    On 32 bit machines you can't use the SQL Server Configuration Manager at all - aliases can be set up by editting a registry entry:

    My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\ConnectTo

    You right click and a little arrow comes up to make a new entry - the kind of entry is a String Value - you type in the alias, and then you get to put in the values - which is a string that looks like this:




  • jnaue (2/1/2008)

    On 64 bit machines I have added a name for the IP of the server on the .hosts file, and then used that name for the server name when defining the alias in SQL Server Configuration Manager

    tHANKS for your prompt reply.

    i am kind of confused, isn't it like giving alias name for the IP of the Server, how do i do that.. is it to be done in client machine or DB server.

    Appreciate your help.


  • On the client machine - its an odd thing, but when you make up a name for the IP address in the .hosts file and then use that name instead of the IP address in SQL Server Configuration Manager it will work when just using the IP directly does not - I don't know why it works.

  • jnaue (2/1/2008)

    On the client machine - its an odd thing, but when you make up a name for the IP address in the .hosts file and then use that name instead of the IP address in SQL Server Configuration Manager it will work when just using the IP directly does not - I don't know why it works.

    well in my case creating creating alias on client side with IP address of DB server(which is on different subnet), i am trying to connect to DBserver using ALias name to make easier to remember name, but it does not work..

    only when i connect with IP it works...i have allowed both TCP\ip and named pipe connection on my server..

    Where is the hostfile located on client side...



  • It might change by Windows version but on my Windows version the host file is located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc

  • Thanks

  • Hey, I'm not sure if anyone has encountered this or not but it seems related. It appears that when accessing a server / port in 2005 the syntax is (servername,port) for a database engine. However, for an analysis services box it appears the syntax is the old style (servername:port). This is causing a problem when I set up my alias for our Analysis Services box. When I connect to the database engine using the alias it works fine. When I use the alias to connect to Analysis Services box it gives me a server unknown error. If I enter the servername:port directly then I can connect to the Analysis Services box. I've tried going into the registry key & putting the : instead of the (,) with no luck. Is this some sort of bug? Is there a work around that will still use TCP/IP? If anyone has any feedback I would appreciate it. If anybody is having issues using an alias to connect to Analysis Services this is somthing to look for.

  • Hi guys,

    You can try to add your alias into

    SQL Server Configuration Manager ->

    SQL Native Client Configuration (32bit) ->


    I have two 64bit servers and only this alias has helped me.



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