Calculating Table Size

  • I need to calculate the table size based on the query.

    For example,

    select * from Table

    where ID='3'

    Can anyone help me



  • The system stored procedure sp_spaceused can be used for this purpose. For instance:

    USE Northwind
    EXEC sp_spaceused 'Orders'

    K. Brian Kelley

    K. Brian Kelley

  • This is assuming you want to know the output table size.

    Here is the math I use, it is rough but I believe this is correct.

    DatalengthPerRow * NumberOfRows = TotalBytesOfData

    8000bytesPerPage / DatalengthPerRow = TotalNumberOfRowsPerPageRoundDown

    TotalNumberOfRowsPerPage * DatalengthPerRow = TotalNumberOfBytesPerPageStored

    TotalBitesOfData / TotalNumberOfBytesPerPageStored = TotalNumberOfPagesRoundedUp

    TotalNumberOfPagesRoundedUp * 8k = TotalSizeIn_kilobytes


    CREATE tblX (

    id int NOT NULL,

    colx int NULL,

    coly varchar(50)


    In this case each int is 4 and the varchar is 50 so total is 58. Now the query will return 5000.

    So 58 * 5000 = 290000 bytes

    so to get size in 8 k pages do 8000 / 58 = 137 with round down

    now get amount of data per page 137 * 28 = 7946 bytes

    so 290000 / 7946 = 36.496.. or round up if any remainder 37 8k pages

    or 37 * 8 = 296kilobytes

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

    Edited by - antares686 on 07/12/2002 08:40:02 AM

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