Calculating elapsed time between records

  • I have a table that contains an employee id and dates signifying time periods that those employees were working. I need to calculate anniversaries, such as 20 year, which are the sum of all periods spend working projected out to 20 years. For example,

    emp_idstart_date end_date

    1001 1998-01-01 2003-06-21

    1002 1999-05-23 2008-03-28

    1001 2004-08-19 NULL

    1003 2004-10-12 2006-07-25

    1004 2005-04-28 NULL

    1002 2008-11-02 NULL

    1003 2009-05-17 NULL

    The periods in which the employees were inactive (the time period between active ranges) would push back their anniversary date, obviously. I'm only concerned with employees that are currently active (ie. the most recent record has a NULL end date). I thought about trying to use datediff to calculate the time between active periods, but I'm not sure how to go about doing it. Any thoughts?

  • Can you give expected outcome please?

    If I understand, the output should be

    empid, years_service

    1001, 11

    1004, 10

    1002, 7

    1003, 6

    create table #test (empid int, start_date datetime, end_date datetime)

    insert into #test values











    datediff(year, start_date, getdate())




    end_date IS NULL

    drop table #test

  • Mark Harley (10/29/2015)

    I have a table that contains an employee id and dates signifying time periods that those employees were working. I need to calculate anniversaries, such as 20 year, which are the sum of all periods spend working projected out to 20 years. For example,

    emp_idstart_date end_date

    1001 1998-01-01 2003-06-21

    1002 1999-05-23 2008-03-28

    1001 2004-08-19 NULL

    1003 2004-10-12 2006-07-25

    1004 2005-04-28 NULL

    1002 2008-11-02 NULL

    1003 2009-05-17 NULL

    The periods in which the employees were inactive (the time period between active ranges) would push back their anniversary date, obviously. I'm only concerned with employees that are currently active (ie. the most recent record has a NULL end date). I thought about trying to use datediff to calculate the time between active periods, but I'm not sure how to go about doing it. Any thoughts?

    when you say "time difference" can you please be specific in what your expected result set is to be based on this sample data.....

    is it years... years/ of days.....HH:MM:SS??

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • The expected outcomes would be a specific date for each employee. For example, employee 1001 would have a projected 20-year date of 2018-01-01 plus the number of days they were inactive (374 I believe), which would push the date to 2019-10-01. Is that any clearer?

  • So a rolling total of sorts?

    So based on the sample data of

    create table #test (empid int, start_date datetime, end_date datetime)

    insert into #test values








    You want the output of

    1001 - 2019-03-02

    1002 - 2019-12-28

    1003 - 2027-08-05

    1004 - 2025-04-28

  • Yes, exactly.

  • First itteration.

    Looks a bit ugly, sure someone can tidy it up or suggest another way

    ;with cte as


    select empid, datediff(day,end_date,start_date) as inactivedays from



    empid, start_date,

    case when end_date is null then (select max(end_date) from #test t where t.end_date < t1.start_date and t.empid = t1.empid)

    else end_date

    end as end_date

    from #test t1

    ) as d

    where datediff(day,end_date,start_date) > 0




    dateadd(day, isnull(inactivedays,0), dateadd(year, 20, min(start_date)))



    left join cte

    on #test.empid = cte.empid

    group by #test.empid, inactivedays

  • This should give you what you want. What we need to do is simply sum the total months of service for each employee who is still active (has one record where end_date is null), and then divide by 12. Or perhaps sum days of service and divide by 365.

    create table #test (empid int, start_date datetime, end_date datetime)

    insert into #test values








    select empid

    , (sum( datediff(month, start_date, isnull(end_date,getdate())) ) / 12)YearsServive

    from #test

    where empid in (select empid from #test where end_date is null)

    group by empid;

    drop table #test;


    1001 16

    1002 15

    1003 8

    1004 10

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • my shot at this...first glance suggests I get different results from anthony

    but I have added and addtional row

    create table #test (empid int, start_date datetime, end_date datetime)

    insert into #test values


    (1001,'2004-01-01','2004-06-15'), -- note added here







    WITH d1 as (



    , start_date

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY empid ORDER BY start_date) AS rn

    , DATEDIFF(d , lag(end_date , 1 , 0) OVER (PARTITION BY empid ORDER BY start_date) , start_date) AS inactivedays

    FROM #test


    , d2 as (



    , SUM(inactivedays) AS totalinactive

    FROM d1

    WHERE (rn > 1)






    , MIN(#test.start_date) AS sdate

    , ISNULL(DATEADD(year , 20 , DATEADD(day , d2.totalinactive , MIN(#test.start_date))) , DATEADD(year , 20 , MIN(#test.start_date))) AS odate


    d2 ON #test.empid = d2.empid



    , d2.totalinactive



    drop table #test

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • If the goal is just to take the employee's original start date, add 20 years, and then add any days they were inactive, then here's another way, using J Livingston's new sample data:

    create table #test (empid int, start_date datetime, end_date datetime)

    insert into #test values


    (1001,'2004-01-01','2004-06-15'), -- note added here







    SELECT DATEADD(DD,DATEDIFF(DD, MIN(start_date), GETDATE())-SUM(DATEDIFF(DD,start_date, ISNULL(end_date,getdate()))), DATEADD(YYYY,20,MIN(start_date))) AS Anniversary, empid

    FROM #test

    GROUP BY empid;

    drop table #test


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