April 10, 2008 at 1:20 pm
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Calculate Age
May 23, 2008 at 12:35 pm
why not just datediff() the number of days between the parameter and getdate() - then divide that number by 365.25?
May 23, 2008 at 3:31 pm
Dividing the datediff in days by 365.25 doesn't always work (consistently). Sometimes you have to delete the fraction part (floor) and sometimes you have to round up to the next integer (ceiling) to get the correct age. Here are two examples (assume the first date as DOB, and the second as the day the age is calculated on):
select datediff(day, '10/23/2006', '5/23/2008')/365.25, datediff(day, '5/23/1899', '5/23/2008')/365.25
To get the right age in integer value, we have to floor the first value(1.582477), and ceiling the second value (108.999315).
Given that, I'd alter the original function by adding the second date as a parameter as well. Then you can pass getdate() or any other date as the second param.
May 23, 2008 at 7:58 pm
How 'bout this?
declare @dob as datetime
select @dob = '6/21/1968'
declare @now as datetime
declare @year_diff as tinyint
select @now = getdate()
select @year_diff = datediff(year, @dob, @now)
if DateAdd(year, @year_diff, @dob) > @now
select @year_diff -1
select @year_diff
basically, calculate the number of years that have gone by, then add those years back to the date of birth. if the resulting date is in the future, we subtract one from the years as it would indicate that we have not yet reached the birthday in the current year. if the resulting date is in the past, we have already reached the birthday in this year, so we can return the number of years unaltered.
May 28, 2008 at 2:07 pm
Thank you for idea
create function dbo.Calc_Age (@dob datetime) -- date of birth
returns int
return ( select datediff (year, @dob,v_date) -
when (month(@dob) = month(v_date) and day(@dob) > day(v_date)) then 1
when month(@dob) > month(v_date) then 1
else 0
from dbo.v_getdate )
June 2, 2008 at 3:39 am
Mark, your Idea is very nice 🙂
August 19, 2009 at 12:09 pm
Hello, Mark Ingalls,
This is Wasek, I am just a beginer in this business, but I am eager to get the solution of calculating a person's age and date difference from one date to another for my project. Could you pl make a sample project with those in VB 2008, Zip it and send it across to my e-mail address below I willbe pleased.
One more thing, if you know. Which I could not do. That, how can I change the page setup of a print form component. Meaning to say that its paper size and the margins are auto set. How can I set it my self of my desire. If you know give me easy solution. Again I need a sample project of yours in VB 2008, considering my capability as a learner. Thanks a lot.
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