Building a Data Center

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Building a Data Center

  • Below a surprisingly large scale it just doesn't make sense to build a data centre.  In my experience you will end up butting up against the hard limits on capacity caused by the bounds of bricks and mortar.  You may not have room in your data centre for an extra SAN cabinet that will hold your ballooning data.

    Above a certain scale its a judgement as to which payment model is cost effective for your needs.

    • Pay as you go
    • Committed spend, whether you use it or not
    • Fixed price for fixed capacity, whether you use it or not.

    Having said that, I'm not sure how good people are at estimating the cost. I've done my best with the AWS Cost Calculator but somehow the actual bill is always different from the estimated bill.

    I also know that a number of jobs do vital work that is just not noticed.  It is very easy to underestimate the contribution these make and also the skill required to make them so easy to not notice.  You find the value of the role after you have got rid of it, assuming it to be unnecessary cost.  These tend to be the sorts of roles that exist in infrastructure management.  No one goes into a great cathedral and says "Wow, imagine the foundations"



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