Boolean as Output parameter

  • Hai,

    Can you help me in returning a boolean as output parameter in sql server stored procedure ..

    I tried it this way but does'nt work..

    //stored Procedure//

    Create PROCEDURE [UsernameExists]

    @pUsername nvarchar(50),

    @Exists bit output




    If Exists(Select Username from Table1 Where Username=@pUsername)

    Select @Exists=1


    Select @Exists=0


    // vb code//

    Public Shared Function UserExists(ByVal Username As String) As Boolean

    Dim RetValue As Boolean


    Data.ClsDBMain.EnsureConnectionOpen()'my helper class

    Data.ClsDBMain.CreateCommand("UsernameExists", CommandType.StoredProcedure)

    With Data.ClsDBMain.Command

    Helper.AddParam(.Parameters, "@pUsername", Username)

    Helper.AddParam(.Parameters, "@Exists", RetValue)


    RetValue = .Parameters("@Exists").Value

    End With

    Catch Exp As Exception

    Throw New ApplicationException(Exp.ToString & "Stored procedure fail to execute")

    RetValue = False



    End Try

    Return RetValue

    End Function

    Thanxs in Advance




    The order of adding the parameters to the cmdobject is important ! (= order of parameters as used with the create procedure)


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  • Hai

    Yes i have followed the order, and no any exception or error raises the the only prob is , boolean value doest not returns


  • I think you need to specify the type of parameter as both input and output in the .net code when adding parameters.


  • There seems to be a problem with your SP. You did not state what value you want to return.

    Try this...

    Create PROCEDURE [UsernameExists]

    @pUsername nvarchar(50),

    @Exists bit output




    If Exists(Select Username from Table1 Where Username=@pUsername)

    Set @Exists=1


    Set @Exists=0

    Return @Exists


    I have given this is quick test and seems to work. Unfortunately I can't comment on your application code, you will need to test this.

    Hope this helps 😉

  • Sorry I forgot to mention something. In your stored procedure you did not state what value to return, thus the SP always returned a false value (zero). This is the reason why the SP does not work and may also be the reason why your app does not seem to work.

  • there was no problem with the proc.

    using Return @Exists just means that you use the value of var @Exists as procedure-return-code.

    DECLARE @rc int

    DECLARE @pUsername nvarchar(50)

    DECLARE @Exists bit

    -- TODO: Set parameter values here.

    EXECUTE @rc = [PPM].[dbo].[UsernameExists]


    ,@Exists OUTPUT

    PRINT @rc -- procedure return code

    PRINT @Exists -- output var content

    .net declareations that should work

    declare your commandobject ...

    .Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@RETURN_VALUE",, , ReturnValue))

    .Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@pUsername", SqlDbType.nvarchar, 50, Input)).value = rij.Item("pUsername")

    .Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Exists", SqlDbType.bit, , InputOutput)).value = rij.Item("Exists")



    myDAL.DAL.ExecCmd(sqlcmd, True)

    If sqlcmd.Parameters("@RETURN_VALUE").Value.ToString = "0" Then

    if sqlcmd.parameters(@Exists).value.tostring = "1" then .... else ... end


    rc = CType(sqlcmd.Parameters("@RETURN_VALUE").Value.ToString, Integer)

    Throw New Exception("Invalid RETURN_VALUE")

    End If

    Catch ex As Exception

    rc = -1

    Throw New Exception(ex.Message, ex)

    End Try


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  • Thankx Ramesh

    As you mentioned i forget to specify the Direction 'Output' in .net code

    now it works fine...

    Thanks to everybody for your reply.



  • I'm glad, i could help...


  • thanks for the feedback.

    I'm glad you got it working.


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