Book recommendations

  • Where do you get the ratings for your books? There does not seem to be any way to pull up the detail behind the ratings. This would be nice to know (and also to add our own ratings). For example, you rate SQL Server 2000 Unleashed as one star, whereas on Amazon it gets 5 stars. No reviews are even given on Barnes and Noble's site. Also, none of the links work, they just go to a generic Barnes and Noble page. Ever thought of teaming up with Amazon?

  • We're actually in the middle of looking through that. Yes, we have partnered with Amazon so step one is we're going to leverage the web service they published recently to keep our own list up to date (including adding new ones automatically).

    The links "should" work, I'll see if I can get to the bottom of that.

    We're trying to make a list of things we want to rework or add, any other suggestions would be great.

    Sometimes we're not able to implement ideas immediately, depends on how hard we

    working at our full time jobs!


  • Actually, I dont know how you guys do this and a full time job! You're efforts are amazing and much appreciated. I hope you get rich off it someday and quit your day jobs!

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