Blocking process in [sleeping] state with [SELECT] command

  • Hi,

    I had a chain of blocks on the server with a sleeping process having [SELECT] in [cmd] column in sysprocesses table.  What could be the problem with such process?  If it had [AWAITING COMMAND] instead of [SELECT], I could assume that the app waits for user input in the middle of a transaction, but what about [SELECT] as a command for blocking process in sleeping state?


  • actually I'm not quite sure what you're asking - do you have a sleeping spid causing blocking or just a sleeping spid?

    You can see if you have an open transaction ( if you're looking at sysprocesses I assume you understand what you're looking at? ).

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • What is the locking state in the sysprocesses table for that sid?  An active process can go into a sleeping state if it is waiting for resources like disk.


  • I have a process, which blocks other processes.  If I do a query on this process from master..sysprocesses? I get this:

    select spid,blocked,open_tran,status,cmd from sysprocesses (nolock) where spid = 66 or blocked<> 0


    spid,   blocked,   open_tran,    status,    cmd

    66      0            1                 sleeping   SELECT

    117    66           2                 sleeping   DELETE 

    73     117          2                 sleeping   DELETE         

    86     117          2                 sleeping   DELETE         

    87     117          2                 sleeping   DELETE         

    91     117          2                 sleeping   DELETE         

    99     117          1                 sleeping   SELECT         

    113    99           0                 sleeping   SELECT       

    130    99           2                 sleeping   ALTER TABLE       

    126    113          0                sleeping    SELECT         

    128    113          0                sleeping    SELECT         

    So I have a sleeping process causing blocking while not being blocked by any other process.



  • BTW, it started this way:

    time                        spid        blocked    open_tran    status          cmd

    24/01/2007 13:07      66          0            1                sleeping       SELECT         

    24/01/2007 13:07      117        66           2                sleeping       DELETE         


    24/01/2007 13:08      66          0            1                sleeping       SELECT         

    24/01/2007 13:08      117        66           2                sleeping       DELETE         

    24/01/2007 13:09      66          0            1                 sleeping       SELECT         

    24/01/2007 13:09      117         66          2                 sleeping       DELETE         

    24/01/2007 13:09      73          117         2                 sleeping       DELETE         

    24/01/2007 13:09      86          117         2                 sleeping       DELETE         

    24/01/2007 13:09      87          117         2                 sleeping       DELETE         

    24/01/2007 13:09      91          117         2                 sleeping       DELETE         

    24/01/2007 13:09      99          117         1                 sleeping       SELECT         

    24/01/2007 13:09      113        99           0                 sleeping       SELECT         

    24/01/2007 13:09      130        99           2                 sleeping       ALTER TABLE    

    24/01/2007 13:09      126        113          0                 sleeping       SELECT         

    24/01/2007 13:09      128        113          0                sleeping        SELECT   

    So I had process #66 in sleeping mode and on top of the block tree for three minutes.  There was not any heavy disk activity at the moment and CPU was not much busy.

  • it has an open tran, you need a commit.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • Hi,

    This link will help you!

    Minaz Amin

    "More Green More Oxygen !! Plant a tree today"

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