
  • Hi,

    We have Share Point 2007 databases on SQL Server 2005 and we are using Spotlight tool for Monitoring.

    Very frequently, we are getting blocking from the Content database. Please see the attachment.

    Please advice me..


  • The CXPacket block is caused by parallel processing. One thread in the process is waiting for another to complete, typically reads. What are the DISK performance counters like?

    Some DBAs may recommmend setting MAXDOP = 1 or raising the parallelism cost threshold above 5 (seconds).

    I'd check if you are getting SPIDs blocking each other. The CXPacket blocking may not be an issue in itself unless it is causing other issues.


    Nothing in life is ever so complicated that with a little work it can't be made more complicated.

  • I'd check if you are getting SPIDs blocking each other. The CXPacket blocking may not be an issue in itself unless it is causing other issues

    Thanks Miller,

    Here the SPID 65 is the blocking and blocked can we ignore this kind of blocking?

    When I saw this blocking in Spotlight, immediately I ran the report Activity - All Blocking Transactions. But I did NOT see any blocked process there!!

    Is there any script to continuously run as a SQL Agent job and capture the blocking and send an email when it finds the blocking?

    Please advice

  • You could try this


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[DBA_checkForBlocks] Script Date: 07/13/2010 ******/





    ALTER proc [dbo].[DBA_checkForBlocks] @wait_threshold as int,

    @emailto as varchar(500)


    --Last updated 22/07/2008 MG

    --Added remove duplicate spids

    --Updated 13/05/2009

    --Removed dts pacakge. Results now in body of email

    declare @sqlstr_checkblocks as nvarchar(3000)

    declare @server_name as varchar(50)

    declare @blockedusers as varchar(50)

    declare @getblockedspids as varchar(50)

    declare @cmdStr as varchar(300)

    Declare @cmd Varchar(150)

    declare @rc as int

    declare @output as varchar(1000)

    declare @blocked int

    declare @checktmpblocks int

    declare @msubject as varchar(50)

    truncate table tmpblocks

    truncate table sqlstatement

    create table #temp (x varchar(100), y int, s varchar(1000), id int

    identity (1,1))

    INSERT tmpblocks(SPID, Status, Login, HostName, BlkBy, DBName, Command, CPUTime, DiskIO, LastBatch, waittime,ProgramName, SPID2,blocked)

    select spid,status,loginame as login,hostname,blocked,db_name(dbid) as dbname,cmd as command,cpu as cputime,physical_io as diskio,last_batch as lastbatch,waittime,program_name as programname,spid,blocked

    from master.dbo.sysprocesses where spid > 51

    select @blocked = count(*) from tmpblocks where

    status <> 'background' and command not in

    ('signal handler', 'lock monitor', 'log writer', 'lazy writer', 'checkpoint sleep', 'awaiting command')

    and blocked <>0 and waittime > @wait_threshold

    If @blocked <> 0


    --Remove spids that are not being blocked and duplicates

    delete from tmpblocks where blkby = 0 and

    spid not in (select blkby from tmpblocks where blkby <> 0)


    --Delete duplicate values


    -- FROM tmpblocks where

    dupID NOT IN



    FROM tmpblocks

    GROUP BY spid)

    Declare @spid varchar(10)

    Declare @Statement varchar(8000)

    declare @sql varchar(1000)

    DECLARE SpidCursor Cursor

    FOR Select spid from tmpblocks

    OPEN SpidCursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM SpidCursor

    INTO @spid



    SET @sql = 'dbcc inputbuffer (' + @spid + ')'

    insert #temp

    exec (@sql)

    Insert Into SqlStatement

    Select @spid, s From #Temp where id = (Select max(id) from #Temp)

    FETCH NEXT FROM SpidCursor

    INTO @spid


    Close SpidCursor

    Deallocate SpidCursor

    --Select B.Statement, A.* from #sp_who2 A Left JOIN

    -- #SqlStatement B ON A.spid = B.spid

    Drop Table #Temp

    if @blocked <> 0


    print 'blocks'

    print @checktmpblocks

    --DTS no longer required

    --set @cmdstr = 'dtsrun.exe /S ' + @@servername + ' /n DBA_checkforblocks /e'

    --EXEC @rc = master..xp_cmdshell @CmdStr


    set @msubject = 'Database Blocking Report for ' + @@servername

    SET @tableHTML =

    N'<H1>Database Blocking Report</H1>' +

    N'<table border="1">' +

    N'<tr><th>SPID</th><th>STATUS</th>' +

    N'<th>LOGIN</th><th>HOST NAME</th><th>BLKBY</th>' +

    N'<th>DBNAME</th><th>COMMAND</th><th>CPUTIME</th><th>DISK IO</th><th>LASTBATCH</th><th>PROGRAM NAME</th><th>SPID2</th><th>STATEMENT</th><th>WAIT TIME</th></tr>' +

    CAST ( ( SELECT td = A.SPID, '',

    td = A.Status, '',

    td = A.Login, '',

    td = A.HostName, '',

    td = A.BlkBy, '',

    td = A.DBName, '',

    td = A.Command, '',

    td = A.CPUTime, '',

    td = A.DiskIO, '',

    td = A.LastBatch, '',

    td = a.programname, '',

    td = A.SPID2, '',

    td = B.statement, '',

    td = a.waittime, ''


    tmpblocks A LEFT OUTER


    SqlStatement B ON A.SPID = B.spid

    FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE

    ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) +

    N'</table>' ;

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients=@emailto, --'',

    @subject = @msubject,

    @body = @tableHTML,

    @body_format = 'HTML'




    print 'no blocks'



  • can we ignore this kind of blocking?

    Is there any script to continuously run as a SQL Agent job and capture the blocking and send an email when it finds the blocking?

    You can ignore it if you want to, probably too your peril in the long run. I'd certainly try reduce the amount of this type of blocking if possible. It points to a performance bottleneck that may be impacting users.

    In SQL 2005 you can use the DMVs to detect blocked prosesses, it's worth you while to do a bit of reading around these. Sorry I don't have any handy code, but there's bound to be some on the net if you google DMV + Blocking Script.

    You may find you get a lot of notifications as (in my opinion) it's almost impossible to remove this blocking completely. To remove it you have to have all parallel threads on a given SPID ending at the same time. The idea is to keep it to a minimum.

    As I said some DBAs recommend setting MAXDOP = 1 which eliminates parallelism. The question is; do you really want to do this SQL Instance wide? On an OLTP server it may be nice for all those high performance queries, but on a mixed server where you want some parallelism it may not be a good idea. Other DBAs recommend pushing the Cost Threshold up to 30 seconds (or more) so only long running queries use parallelism. Sorry there are no quick answers here and you need to test everything.

    If you can, try improving indexing, use indexes with the INCLUDE clause, but I think you said this was SharePoint, and MS may not like you changing the database. Look at the disk sub-system and see if that is optimal (raid 10?).

    What about memory usage, paging and Cache Buffer hit ratio, it is up in the 99,9% range?

    Hope this helps.


    Nothing in life is ever so complicated that with a little work it can't be made more complicated.

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