BIDS will not Deploy Cube

  • I am using BIDs for the first time. BIDS will not deploy a cube to SQL Sever, I get no error messages just:

    Performing a full deployment of the 'Ch17CubeV3' database to the 'PGDESKTOP' server.

    Generating deployment script...

    Add Database Ch17CubeV3


    Sending deployment script to the server... (which never completes....)

    If I try to access SSAS cubes with Excel, no SSAS databases are displayed.

    What could cause this?

    Checks I have made ....

    * SSAS and Browser Services are running.

    * Turned Zone Alarm Off (did not uninstall it.)

    * MSOLAP3.0 and MS OLEDB Provider for Analysis Services Version 9.0 both installed and working

    * I can connect to SSAS from SSMS

    * Permissions are SysAdmin on Database Engine (does that cover SSAS?)

    Unable to check Ports on firewall. Not sure how this is done or what ports to check...

  • You could double-check your SSAS Server security - they are different to the SQL Server security

    Right Click on the SSAS Server from SSMS and check the security credentials - see if you are one of the Server Administrators

    Kind Regards, Will

  • Will - Thanks. Finally figured it out. The problem was Zone Alarm. When I uninstalled Zone Alarm the problem went away. If shut Zone Alarm down, the problem still manifested itself.

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