Bidirectional Replication question

  • I have a client who we currently have a Merge replica with (they are the Publisher). We are planning to take our Subscriber server that is part of this replica, from SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition to SQL 2012 Enterprise Edition. Problem I have right now is that the client's Publisher server is on SQL 2008 R2, and they cannot upgrade to 2012. According to Microsoft, the Subscriber in a Merge replication config '...can be any version, but no later than the Publisher version'.

    My question is this...Has anyone worked with Bidirectional Transactional Replication before, and if so - does it hold true to the same truths as traditional Transactional Replication where according to Microsoft '...a Subscriber to a Transactional Publication can be any version within two versions of the Publisher version'?

    I know it's a bit of an odd questions, but the flexibility on the client end is requiring me to find this kind of information out (so my business folks have some options for consideration).

    Thank you

  • Guess I will answer my own question here. Though it does not specifically state that it is for Bidirectional Transactional Replication, it does state plainly (while speaking about everything from Peer-To-Peer (P2P), bi-directional, reciprocal transactional publications, etc...methods) will support the Subscriber being within 2 versions of the Publisher. So for example:

    A SQL Server 2005 Publisher can have Subscribers running SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008 (including SQL Server 2008 R2), or SQL Server 2012; and a SQL Server 2012 Publisher can have Subscribers running SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008 (including SQL Server 2008 R2), or SQL Server 2012.

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