Behave differently in DTS and SSMS

  • Hi,

    Both our dev and QA environments are running MS SQL 2005 Ent SP2 on Windows 2003.

    I have a stored procedure which processes rows in a staging table. In QA when executing the proc from SSMS, all rows were process; however, if proc is executed through DTS package which end without any error, but only about half # of rows in staging were processed. In dev, all rows were processed either through SSMS or DTS.

    Is there any step I could take to pin point the problem? Thanks.


  • It sounds like a data problem to me. If the same SP works in 2 of the 3 environments, but not in the 3rd, it's usually data and nothing else.

    Have you stepped through your SP to validate the all of the expected data meeting the SP criteria for being processed?

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • John,

    Thanks for helping out.

    QA granted me the rights to run package. I copies the file worked fine on dev to QA and ran the package. No error but stop processing the staging table about half way through.

    Stepped through DTS and stopped before the troubling one. Execute the procedure thru SSMS and worked. All rows were processed. It seems to me there is some setting different between dev and QA. No clue what it is.


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