Backup System or User databases first?

  • Is it better to backup the System or User databases first when setting up a backup plan?

    My current plan does a full backup of all user databases every 6 hours and a transaction log backup every 15 minutes in between the full backup. The system databases (master, model, and msdb) are backed up once per week.

    Were going to start using replication and I have read that the system databases should be backed up at the same time as the user databases.

    So my new plan is to have all databases included in the Full backup every 6 hours. Then every 15 minutes have master & distribution perform a full backup. After that is finished the remaining database user and system perform a transaction log backup.

    Using SSMS maintenance plan I have the user backups running after the system completion. Thats where Im not sure if I should have the user backups running the systems after their completion or at the same time.

  • Doesn't matter. Just get them both done.

  • Thanks

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